Tao Yuanming: In June 401, Holiday Over, Return to Jiangling, Night Travel Through Tukou

Tao Yuanming: In June 401, Holiday Over, Return to Jiangling, Night Travel Through Tukou
Tao Yuanming

In June 401, Holidays Over, Return to Jiangling, Night Travel Through Tukou


闲 居 三 十 载
遂 与 尘 事 冥。
诗 书 敦 宿 好
林 园 无 世 情。

如 何 舍 此 去
遥 遥 至 南 荆?
叩 枻 新 秋 月
临 流 别 友 生。

涼 枻 风 起 夕
夜 景 湛 虚 明。
昭 昭 天 宇 阔
皛 皛 川 上 平。

怀 役 不 遑 寐
中 宵 尚 孤 征。
商 歌 非 吾 事
依 依 在 耦 耕。

投 冠 旋 旧 墟
不 为 好 爵 萦。
养 真 衡 茅 下
庶 以 善 自 名。

Xin Chou Sui Qi Yue Fu Jia Huan Jiang Ling Ye Xing Tu Kou

Xian ju san shi zai
Sui yu chen shi ming.
Shi shu dun su hao
Lin yuan wu shi qing.

Ru he she ci qu
Yao yao zhi nan jing ?
Kou yi xin qiu yue
Lin liu bie you sheng.

Liang yi feng qi xi
Ye jing zhan xu ming.
Zhao zhao tian yu kuo
Xiao xiao chuan shang ping.

Huai yi bu huang mei
Zhong xiao shang gu zheng.
Shang ge fei wu shi
Yi yi zai ou geng.

Tou guan xuan jiu xu
Bu wei hao jue ying.
Yang zhen heng mao xia
Shu yi shan zi ming.

In June 401 AD, Holidays Over, Return to Jiangling, Night Travel Through Tukou

Up to the age of thirty, mostly at leisure at home
A gratifying time, hidden from the worldly affairs
Read old and fine books of poetry.

How can I abandon this past
And go so far away to Nanjing?
Boat being rowed under a new autumn moon
Ready to depart from lifelong friends.

At sunset, a cool wind rises
Night scenery is crystal clear, empty and bright.
So clear, sky and horizon vast
River surface smooth and reflective.

Thinking of my new assignment, no leisure during sleep
Middle of the night, continue a solitary and long journey.
Not interested in climbing the bureaucratic ladder
Reluctant to part from those who farm for a living.

Already know this job will be temporary, go back soon to my hometown
Do not care if my halter and harness is fancy and fine.
Want to cultivate my true nature under the eaves of my thatched hut
Maybe by making my own virtue, my reputation and name will be secure.


Tao Yuanming had gone home in mid-May to rest. Now he has to go back to work in Jingzhou, Hubei.

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