Tao Yuanming: My Feelings For Intellectuals With Bad Timing: Part One

Tao Yuanming: My Feelings For Intellectuals With Bad Timing: Part One
Tao Yuanming

My Feelings For Intellectuals With Bad Timing

Part One


咨 大 块 之 爱 气
何 斯 人 之 独 灵!
禀 神 智 以 藏 照
秉 三 五 而 垂 名。

或 击 壤 以 自 欢
或 大 济 于 苍 生;
靡 潜 跃 之 非 分
常 傲 然 以 称 清。

世 流 浪 而 遂 徂
物 群 分 以 相 形。
密 网 载 而 鱼 骇
宏 罗 制 而 鸟 惊。

彼 达 人 之 善 觉
乃 逃 禄 而 归 耕。
山 嶷 嶷 而 怀 影
川 汪 汪 而 藏 声;

望 轩 唐 而 咏 叹
甘 贫 贱 以 辞 荣。
淳 源 汩 以 长 分
美 恶 纷 其 异 途。

原 百 行 之 攸 贵
莫 为 善 之 可 娱。
奉 上 天 之 成 命
师 圣 人 之 遗 书。

发 忠 孝 于 君 亲
生 信 义 于 乡 里
推 诚 心 而 获 显
不 矫 然 而 祈 誉。
嗟 乎!

雷 同 毁 异
物 恶 其 上
妙 算 者 谓 迷
直 道 者 云 妄。

坦 至 公 而 无 猜
卒 蒙 耻 以 爱 谤。
虽 怀 琼 而 握 兰
徒 芳 洁 而 谁 亮?

Gan Shi Bu Yu Fu

Zi da kuai zhi ai qi
He si ren zhi du ling!
Bing shen zhi yi zang zhao
Bing san wu er chui ming.

Huo ji rang yi zi huan
Huo da ji yu cang sheng:
Mi qian yue zhi fei fen
Chang ao ran yi cheng qing.

Shi liu lang er sui cu
Wu qun fen yi xiang xing.
Mi wang zai er yu hai
Hong luo zhi wer niao jing.

Bi da ren zhi shan jue
Nai tao lu er gui geng.
Shan yi yi er huai ying
Chuan wang wang er cang sheng:

Wang xuan tang er yong tan
Gan pin jian yi ci rong.
Chun yuan gu yi chang fen
Mei wu fen qi yi tu.

Yuan bai heng zhi you gui
Mo wei shan zhi ke yu.
Feng shang tian zhi cheng ming
Shi sheng ren zhi yi shu,

Fa zhong xiao yu jun qin
Sheng xin yi yu xiang lu.
Tui cheng xin er huo xian
Bu jiao ran er qi yu.
Jie hu!

Lei tong hui yi
Wu wu qi shang.
Miao suan zhe wei mi
Zhi dao zhe yun wang.

Tan zhi gong er wu cai
Zu meng chi yi ai bang.
Sui huai qiong er wo lan
Tu fang jie er shei liang?

My Feelings for Intellectuals With Bad Timing

Part One

All things are breathing the same air
Why is it that only people have souls?
Spiritual wisdom from the illumination of Daoist texts
Hold onto Confucian principles and have good timing, then one’s name will go down into history.

Some come to earth only for their own enjoyment
Some have a purpose to help the common people cross the river.
Those who either live in seclusion, or live an active life, can meet destiny’s purpose
Often proud and pleased with their efforts.

But the good times will wander away, never to return
Groups of people separate into sub-groups that share common characteristics.                                                                                                                       

The net woven so tight, fish are in shock
A grand web-like system startles the birds.

Those who understand thoroughly are awake and sensitive
Only then can escape an official’s salary and return to farm for a living. 

Very empty and lofty mountains harbor those within the shadows
Very deep and wide rivers hide the sounds of the secluded.

Gaze into the distance, hope to retrieve the times of emperors Xuan and Tang
Can only embrace poverty and keep my head down.
From a pure water source, eventually the stream divides
One flows beautiful, the other muddy.

All of the professions and trades are valuable
Done with wisdom and virtue brings joy.
Give respect to Heaven, this will become your fate
Learn about the books written by the holy masters.

To develop loyal, filial piety to emperor and family
Grows good faith and honor with hometown and neighborhood.
Promotes recognition of an honest heart-mind
Being insincere does not lead to a good reputation.
Alas ! Sigh !

Most everybody wants you to be just like them, and curse those who are different
They dislike those who are superior.
They say that those with foresight are confused and crazy
And those of integrity are ridiculous and presumptuous.

Flexible and frank people are not jealous or suspicious
These people must endure and suffer shame and slander.
Although one may cherish fine jade and hold orchids
Who can admire and lay open what is clean and fragrant?

To TAReward
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Chinese Poems

Tao Yuanming: Write Down Some Insights

2024-11-5 12:02:31

Chinese Poems

Tao Yuanming: My Feelings For Intellectuals With Bad Timing: Part Two

2024-11-5 12:02:37

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