Tao Yuanming: Returning Birds: Part 2

Returning Birds: Part 2

归 鸟
翼 翼 归 鸟
驯 林 徘 徊。
岂 思 天 路
欣 及 旧 栖。
虽 无 昔 侣
众 声 每 谐。
日 夕 气 清
悠 然 其 怀。
翼 翼 归 鸟
戢 羽 寒 条。
游 不 旷 林
宿 则 森 标。
晨 风 清 兴
好 音 时 交。
矰 缴 奚 施?
已 卷 安 劳?


Gui Niao

Yi yi gui niao
Xun lin pai huai.
Qi si tian lu
Xin ji jiu qi.

Sui wu xi lu
Zhong sheng mei xie.
Ri xi qi qing
You ran qi huai.

Yi yi gui niao
Ji yu han tiao.
You bu kuang lin
Su ze sen biao.

Chen feng qing xing
Hao yin shi jiao.
Zeng zhuo xi shi ?
Yi juan an lao ?


Returning Birds: Part 2

Returning birds soar in a neat formation
Still move up and down, from and to the forest.
Do not most think of them take the heavenly paths
But I am happy to reach the former places to perch.

Even without old friends
Numerous sounds all in harmony.
Daily sunsets the air fresh and clear
Easy and carefree my mind and heart.

Returning birds soar in a neat formation
Closing their wings on high and frozen branches.
Travel around open and vast forests
Stay overnight on dense treetops.

Early morning winds arise clear and quiet
The time of joining fine voices.
Who can carry out their zeng zhuo attacks?
Now am I in a safe place, out of range, having stopped the reading
of imperial scrolls?



Zeng zhuo: When shooting birds, hunters used arrows with attached long silk strings, enabling them to retrieve their arrows.



When Tao writes about his bird friends, at the same time he is referring to himself as well.

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