With Wang Fujun at His Place, Send Off Two of the Guests
秋 日 凄 且 厉
百 卉 具 已 腓。
爰 以 履 霜 节
登 高 饯 将 归。
寒 气 冒 山 泽
游 云 倏 无 依。
洲 渚 四 绵 邈
风 水 互 乖 违。
瞻 夕 欣 良 宴
离 言 聿 云 悲。
晨 鸟 暮 来 还
悬 车 敛 馀 辉。
逝 止 判 殊 路
旋 驾 怅 迟 迟。
目 送 回 舟 远
情 随 万 化 遗。
Yu Wang Fu Jun Zuo Song Ke
Qiu ri qi qie li
Bai hui ju yi fei.
Yuan yi lu shuang jie
Deng gao jian jiang gui.
Han qi mo shan ze
You yun shu wu yi.
Zhou zhu si mian miao
Feng shui hu guai wei.
Zhan xi xin liang yan
Li yan yu yun bei.
Chen niao mu lai huan
Xuan che lian yu hui.
Shi zhi pan shu lu
Xuan jia chang chi chi.
Mu song hui zhou yuan
Qing sui wan hua yi.
With Wang Fujun at His Place, Send Off Two of the Guests
[One of the guests will travel to the capital to teach the emperor’s son, and the other will go to Jiangxi to be a local mayor]
Autumn days getting cold and severe
All of the grasses have wilted.
It is the time when one walks on the frost
Climb a hill, gave a farewell dinner, and have a get together.
Cold air covers the mountains and river pools
Clouds travel quickly, and swirl about.
The sandbars and river islets continuous and far away,
Water flowing one direction, wind moving in the opposite direction.
Viewing the sunset, happy to have a good meal
Our words of departure full of melancholy.
Morning birds now coming back for the evening
Remaining light put away like the tools and horse carts.
People who stay, and those moving on, travel very different roads
I return home very slowly and disappointed.
Turn to see the boats moving further and further away
Emotions follow this leaving behind and change of locale.