The Three Principles of The People Are The Principles For Our National Salvation by Sun Wen ~ 孙中山 《三民主义就是救国主义》 with English Translations


孙中山 《三民主义就是救国主义》



The Three Principles of The People Are The Principles For Our National Salvation
Sun Wen

Gentlemen: I have come here today to speak to you about the Three Principles of The People. What are the Three Principles of The People? They are, by the simplest definition, the principles for our nation’s salvation. What is a principle? It is an idea, a faith, and a power. When men begin to study into the heart of a problem, an idea generally develops first; as the idea becomes clearer, a faith arises; and out of the faith a power is born. So a principle must begin with an idea, the idea must produce a faith, and the faith in turn must give birth to power, before the principle can be perfectly established. Why do we say that the Three Principles of The People will save our nation? Because they will elevate China to an equal position among the nations, in international affairs, in government, and in economic life, so that she can permanently exist in the world. The Three Principles of The People are the principles for our nation’s salvation; is not our China today, I ask you, in need of salvation? If so, then let us have faith in the Three Principles of The People and our faith will engender a mighty force that will save China.

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