Write 双”(twin;dual) in Chinese character

One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “双”.

双 shuāng
Explnantion: two; twin; both; dual
Phrases: 双方 (shuānɡ fānɡ)both side  ;双数(shuānɡ shù) even numbers
你看这个字形像不像一只右手( )正捉着两只小鸟( )?既然与数量有关,所以就成了量词。世界上有很多东西是成双成对的,好像我们的手、脚、耳朵、眼睛等。
The original form of the character 双 was a complex one, the upper part depicts two “birds” (  ) with their beaks turned to the left, sitting on a “right hand” (  ). This combination indicates one hand catching two birds, which suggests the concept of “a pair”.


1. Báhé bǐsài zhōng,wǒmen shuāngfāng dōu bùgānshìruò.
We both teams refuse to lose in the push-and-pull game.


2.Gǔ xīlà yǔ zhōnɡ yǒu shuānɡshù xínɡshì, dànzài xiàndài Xīlà yǔ zhōnɡ shuānɡshù xínɡ shì yǐ tónɡ fùshù xínɡshì hébìnɡ zài yìqǐ le.
Ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek.
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