One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “门”.
门 mén | |
Explanation: door ; gate | |
Phrases: 门户(mén hù) door;faction ; 门徒(mén tú) disciple;follower | |
相信你一看这个图形( )便认出它是“门”字,因为它画出了两扇相对的门,这是古旧建筑用的木板门。还有,通常用“门”作部首的字,都与“门”、“闸”等东西有关,很易认。
门 is a pictograph showing a set of double doors ( ). 门is also a radical; the characters with this radical usually have something to do with the meaning of “door” or “gate”.