Xie Bingying’s Essay: My Instant Response – modern chinese literature 谢冰莹《刹那的印象》

Xie Bingying's Essay: My Instant Response - modern chinese literature 谢冰莹《刹那的印象》

Xie Bingying’s essay “Instant Impressions” was created in 1922 when she was studying at the First Women’s Normal School in Changsha (Hunan Women’s Normal School). This essay records Xie Bingying’s profound reflection and criticism of social phenomena at that time. The article describes a military officer’s wife publicly criticizing a little girl’s behavior, which angered Xie Bingying. She then wrote an article titled “Instant Impressions” to criticize current problems and uphold justice.


◎ 谢冰莹
















My Instant Response

◎ Xie Bingying

I began to write fiction in my second year at the Women’s Normal School when I had just reached the age of 15. One day, together with two classmates of the primary-school days, I went to dinner at a fellow provincial’s home. The host had just bought a 13-year-old slave girl. Short and slight in build, she looked thin and sickly with a tear-stained face. But her bright big ebony eyes were just lovely. The hostess, who was a division commander’s wife, ordered the girl to show us her gait so that we could judge whether each and every of her postures befitted her position as maid in an official mansion. As my former classmates were focusing their eyes on the poor girl, I burned with fury at the gross injustice. I detested the hostess for her inhuman act of treating the girl like an animal. I was too angry to eat and left on some excuse. Back at the school, I immediately wrote a story entitled My Instant Response under the pseudonym of “Xian Shi”, which I mailed to Mr. Li Baoyi, editor of the Da Gong Daily. Three days later, on entering the reading room, I was extremely thrilled to find my story published in the paper.

“Did you see today’s paper?”

I asked one of the two former classmates.

“No, I didn’t. You must have had something published, I guess?” She grimaced at me.

“Oh, no, I wouldn’t presume.”

I walked away quickly.

Frankly, I had mixed feelings. Much as I hoped that my schoolmates would know me as the author of the story, I could not help feeling very uncomfortable about it.

“Damn it! How come you’ve written a story of Madame Tang asking us to take a look at her slave girl? The lady might feel hurt, you know?”

Yong Sheng said reproachfully.

“I don’t care a damn about her! If she’s free to buy a slave girl, why shouldn’t I have my freedom of speech? I’ll see no more of the woman, that’s all.”

Yong Sheng was afterwards to be a concubine of the division commander in question while the whereabouts of the poor little slave girl were to remain unknown.

Strangely enough, the publication of the first article mentioned above seemed to greatly redouble my courage to keep on writing. It came about once that I was deeply grieved in biology class to see my fellow students cheerfully absorbed in dissecting a little pigeon. Tears trickled down my cheeks. One of the students said tauntingly,

“She’s crying — a real soft-hearted writer, eh!”

Unable to put up with her sarcasm, I went hurriedly to the classroom, where I wrote The Death of a Little Pigeon, an article of a little over 1,000 words, to condemn the cruelty and inhumanity of science. Though unpublished, it was just as well-written as My Instant Response. I had then learned from my own experience that only with true and sincere feelings could one write something worth reading.



①“那女孩长得面黄肌瘦”中的“黄”形容病容,故译为she looked thin and sickly。此句也可译为she was emaciated and had a sallow face,但欠轻快自然。

②“黑眼睛”译为ebony eyes,其中ebony本指“乌木”,为实物形容词,常见于文学作品,形容人的头发、眼睛等带光泽的深黑色。

③“我的眼里却正在燃烧着不平的火焰”即“面对不平,怒火中烧”,英译时还得把“怒”字表达出来:I burned with fury(或anger、wrath等)at the gross injustice,其中gross作“极端的”、“严重的”解,是译文中添加的成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。

④“岂敢”译为I wouldn’t presume,其中presume作“不敢这么做”、“不敢放肆”等解,常见于口语中。

⑤“一方面希望同学们知道那篇小说是我写的”意即“虽然希望同学们……”,故译为Much as I hoped …,等于Although I hoped …。

⑥“后来咏声做了师长的姨太太,而那位可怜的小丫头不知何处去了”译为Yong Sheng was afterwards to be a concubine of the division commander in question while the whereabouts of the poor little slave girl were to remain unknown,其中前后两句中都用动词不定式,意指“当时未想到的,而后来居然发生的事”。

⑦“要有真情实感,才能写出好文章”译为only with true and sincere feelings could one write something worth reading,未按字面直译为… could one write something really good,因前者似更为贴切。

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