Yang Wanli: Seventh Day of the New Year at Daybreak, Seek Chang Ying to Pay My Respects

Seventh Day of the New Year at Daybreak, Seek Chang Ying to Pay My Respects

人 日 诘 朝,从 昌 英 叔 出 谒
四 序 各 自 佳
要 不 如 春 时。
何 必 花 与 柳
始 爱 春 物 熙?
今 晨 驾 言 出
从 公 南 山 西
泥 软 屦 自 惬
风 嫩 面 不 知。
寒 草 动 暖 芽
晴 山 余 雨 姿。
水 日 亦 相 媚
蹙 纹 生 碎 晖。
鸟 声 岂 为 我
我 听 偶 自 怡。
出 门 初 惮 烦
载 途 乃 忘 归。
但 令 我 意 适
岂 校 出 处 为?
路 人 见 我 揖
属 我 有 所 思。
我 不 见 其 面
信 口 聊 应 之;
徐 悟 恐 忤 物
欲 谢 已 莫 追。
我 率 或 似 傲
彼 愠 独 得 辞?


Ren Ri Jie Zhao, Cong Chang Ying Shu Chu Ye

Si xu ge zi jia
Yao bu ru chun shi.
He bi hua yu liu
Shi ai chun wu xi?

Jin chen jia yan chu
Cong gong nan shan xi.
Ni ruan ju zi qie
Feng nen mian bu zhi.

Han cao dong nuan ya
Qing shan yu yu zi.
Shui ri yi xiang mei
Cu wen sheng sui hui.

Niao sheng qi wei wo
Wo ting ou zi yi.
Chu men chu dan fan
Zai tu nai wang gui.

Dan ling wo yi shi
Qi jiao chu chu wei?
Lu ren jian wo yi
Shu wo you suo si.

Wo bu jian qi mian
Xin kou liao ying zhi;
Xu wu kong wu wu
Yu xie yi mo zhui.
Wo shuai huo si ao
Bi yun du de ci?


Seventh Day of the New Year at Daybreak, Seek Chang Ying to Pay My Respects

All four seasons, each has their natural excellence
But the spring time is considered the best.
Need all the flowers and willow trees in bloom?
Can we not enjoy their love and happiness right now?

This morning I will go out
Follow Mr. Yang west into the Southern Mountains.
Soft mud under our straw sandals naturally gratify
Delicate breezes so soft, below the level of my awareness.

Cold grasses warm up, sprouts begin to show
Sunny mountains expected the rain’s appearance.
Daily the water and sunlight play with each other
Broken sunlit ripples, eyebrows crunch into each other.

Bird sounds are not made for me
By accident I listen, brings natural joy.
Come out of the doorway, begin to feel a bit of joy
So full of the paths, I forget to return.

Causes my good plans to be comfortable
Why compare going out with coming in?
People I meet on the roads bow to us with their hands clasped
All of these people look at us with uncritical respect.

I do not recognize any of these people
Reply to us with words of faith and truth.
Slowly realize that maybe my words stirred up fear and anger in them
Want to apologize, already they are out of sight.
Perhaps my strong words too arrogant and proud
Did they take leave of us and not really care?

To TAReward
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