Bai Juyi: Send As a Gift to Secretary Yang Juyuan

Send As a Gift to Secretary Yang Juyuan

赠 杨 秘 书 巨 源
早 闻 一 箭 取 辽 城
相 识 虽 新 有 故 情
清 句 三 朝 谁 是 故?
白 须 四 海 半 为 兄。
贫 家 薙 草 时 时 入
瘦 马 寻 花 处 处 行。
不 用 更 教 诗 过 好
折 君 官 职 是 声 名。
Zeng Yang Mi Shu Ju Yuan

Zao wen yi jian qu liao cheng
Xiang shi sui xin you gu qing.
Qing ju san zhao shei shi gu?
Bai xu si hai ban wei xiong.

Pin jia ti cao shi shi ru
Shou ma xun hua chu chu xing.
Bu yong geng jiao shi guo hao
She jun guan zhi shi sheng ming.


Send As a Gift to Secretary Yang Juyuan

Early on I heard your poems about drawing one arrow towards
distant city gates
Know each other well, although we have cause for new emotions.
Your written lines honest, who caused the several reigns to be so short?
In spite of my age, the whole world regards you as a brother.

Again and again you show families how to weed their grasses
On lean and lanky horses you travel in search of precious blossoms.
Your poems beyond the necessity of any improvements
Your fame and reputation already forces them to break apart your official government positions.

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