Bai Juyi: Vast and Misty Whitecaps: (Waves Clean the Sand: Six Poems): No. 3

Vast and Misty Whitecaps: (Waves Clean the Sand: Six Poems): No. 3

借 问 江 潮 与 海 水
何 似 君 情 与 妾 心?
相 恨 不 如 潮 有 信
相 思 始 觉 海 非 深。
Lang Tao Sha Ci: Liu Shou


Jie wen jiang chao yu hai shui
He si jun qing yu qie xin?
Xiang hen bu ru chao you xin
Xiang si shi jue hai fei shen.


Vast and Misty Whitecaps: (Waves Clean the Sand: Six Poems): No. 3


May I ask you, can the river tides join the ocean water
What are like emotions given to a young lady’s heart?
She hates him, the tides have returned neither to him nor his letters
Beginning to think of each other seems deeper than the ocean.

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