Du Fu: Climb a Tower

Du Fu: Climb a Tower

Climb a Tower


花 近 高 楼 伤 客 心
万 方 多 难 此 登 临。
锦 江 春 色 来 天 地
玉 垒 浮 云 变 古 今。

北 极 朝 廷 终 不 改
西 山 寇 盗 莫 相 侵。
可 怜 后 主 还 祠 庙
日 暮 聊 为 梁 甫 吟。


Deng Lou

Hua jin gao lou shang ke xin
Wan fang duo nan ci deng lin
Jin jiang chun se lai tian di
Yu lei fu yun bian gu jin.

Bei ji zhao ting zhong bu gai
Xi shan kou dao mo xiang qin.
Ke lian hou zhu huan ci miao
Ri mu liao wei liang fu yin.


Climb a Tower

Flowers near the tall tower, hurts this visitor’s heart-mind
Climbed up to overlook, in thousands of directions so many difficulties.
Along the multi-colored tributary, heaven and earth sends forth spring colors
From ancient times clouds have changed around the Mt. Yu foothill gate.

Dawn, North polestar unchanging like our imperial courts
Enemies and thieves beyond the western mountains do not need to
encroach on us.
Going back to the Han Dynasty, our ancestral temples and shrines
still stand today
Sunset, can barely make out the old songs from Zhuge Liang.



Zhuge Liang:  (181-234) Prime Minister during the Three Kingdoms period. Often compared to the famous military strategist Sunzi.

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