Du Mu: Give This As a Gift For Scholar Shen and Singer Zhang

Du Mu: Give This As a Gift For Scholar Shen and Singer Zhang
Du Mu

Give As a Gift to Scholar Shen and Singer Zhang


拖 袖 事 当 年
郎 教 唱 客 前。
断 时 轻 裂 玉
收 处 远 缲 烟。

孤 直 縆 云 定
光 明 滴 水 圆。
泥 情 迟 急 管
流 恨 烟 长 弦。

吴 苑 春 风 起
河 桥 酒 旆 悬。
凭 君 更 一 醉
家 在 杜 陵 边。

Zeng Shen Xue Shi Zhang Ge Ren

Tuo xiu shi dang nian
Lang jiao chang ke qian.
Duan shi qing lie yu
Shou chu yuan qiao yan.

Gu zhi geng yun ding
Guang ming di shui yuan.
Ni qing chi ji guan
Liu hen yan chang xian.

Wu yuan chun feng qi
He qiao jiu pei xuan
Ping jun geng yi zui
Jia zai du ling bian.

Give As a Gift to Accomplished Scholar Shen and Singer Zhang

Her age same as your vitality, long-sleeved elegance
Master Shen asked her to sing for the guests.
Changing octaves done with the refinement of jade
Tones gathered, then pulled like a long silk thread into the distance.

Continuous vibrato like stationary clouds
Overtones circle around like soft drops of water.
Displayed a slow complex weave of emotions
Resentments and homesickness sung with long, drawn-out chords.

Spring time winds arise in Wu
Wine banners hung along the river bridges.
Because of you, one drink not enough
Like being at my home next to Duling.


Wu: Ancient kingdom of Wu, in the area of Shanghai and Zhejiang Province.

Duling: Near the capital city of Chang’an (Xi’an).

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