Du Mu: Writing About the Northern Veranda of the Gan Lu Temple

Writing About the Northern Veranda of the Gan Lu Temple

寄 题 甘 露 寺 北 轩
曾 上 蓬 莱 宫 里 行
北 轩 栏 槛 最 留 情。
孤 高 堪 弄 恒 伊 笛
缥 缈 宜 闻 子 晋 笙。
天 接 海 门 秋 水 色
烟 笼 隋 苑 暮 钟 声。
他 年 会 着 荷 衣 去
不 向 山 僧 道 姓 名。
Ji Ti Gan Lu Si Bei Xuan

Ceng shang peng lai gong li xing
Bei xuan lan kan zui liu qing.
Gu gao kan nong heng yi di
Piao miao yi wen zi jin sheng.

Tian jie hai men qiu shui se
Yan long sui yuan mu zhong sheng.
Ta nian hui zhe he yi qu
Bu xiang shan seng dao xing ming.


Writing About the Northern Veranda of the Gan Lu Temple

Once went to and walked inside the Penglai Palace
Northern veranda railings and banisters a place of many feelings.
From solitary heights heard the flute music of Heng Yi
Soft tremolo sounds from the famous sheng of Mr. Jin.

Sky close to the ocean a pathway for the autumn river colors
Mists and sunset bell sounds in a Sui Dynasty garden and orchard.
Another year to meet here, wearing the clothes of rural seclusion
Do not let anyone know my Buddhist name.



Gan Lu Temple: Literally means Sweet Dew. Built during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 AD). Expanded during the Tang Dynasty(618-907 AD), and then moved to Mt. Gu in the mountains of Zhejiang Province during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD).

Heng Yi: Man from the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420 AD) who was the mayor of Huineng. Famous as an accomplished army general and flute musician.

Sheng:  Bamboo pipe Chinese musical instrument.

Sui Dynasty:  (581-616 AD)

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