Ouyang Xiu Poem: Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III) – 欧阳修《采桑子·群芳过后西湖好》


Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III)
Ouyang Xiu
All flowers have passed away, West Lake is quiet;
The fallen blooms run riot.
Catkins from willow trees
Beyond the railings fly all day, fluffy in breeze.
Flute songs no longer sung and sightseers gone,
I begin to feel spring alone.
Lowering the blinds in vain,
I see a pair of swallows come back in the rain.

The poet describes the pleasure of boating and drinking on the West Lake in the first two poems and the quietude of lonely spring in the third.


“Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III) ” is the fourth song of “Ten Songs of Caisangzi” written by Ouyang Xiu, a writer of Song Dynasty. It describes the quiet and sparse style of the West Lake in Yingzhou in the twilight of spring, and the lyricist expresses his leisurely feelings in the beautiful scenery of the twilight of spring. The upper piece is about the scene of twilight spring, and the lower piece is about the quietness of people returning. The whole lyric expresses the beautiful and lovely late spring scenery of West Lake, reflecting the infinite love and affection for nature and real life. The lyrics describe the lonely situation with two swallows in a fine rain, and there is still a sense of emptiness in the despondency.

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