Ouyang Xiu Poem: Butterflies in Love with Flowers – 欧阳修《蝶恋花·庭院深深深几许》
"Butterflies in Love with Flowers" is a lyric by Feng Yansi (or Ouyang Xiu, a writer of Song Dynasty). -
Ouyang Xiu Poem: Silk-washing Stream – 欧阳修《浣溪沙·堤上游人逐画船》
The poem "Silk-washing Stream" is a poem written by Ouyang Xiu, a famous scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty. -
Ouyang Xiu Poem: Sand-sifting Waves – 欧阳修《浪淘沙·把酒祝东风》
The song "Sand-sifting Waves" is a lyric by Ouyang Xiu, a writer of the Song Dynasty. It expresses the lamentation that life is unpredictable. -
Ouyang Xiu Poem: Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III) – 欧阳修《采桑子·群芳过后西湖好》
"Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III) " is the fourth song of "Ten Songs of Caisangzi" written by Ouyang Xiu, a writer of Song Dynasty. -
Ouyang Xiu Poem: Gathering Mulberry Leaves (II) – 欧阳修《采桑子》
采桑子 欧阳修 画船载酒西湖好,急管繁弦,玉盏催传,稳泛平波任醉眠。行云却在行舟下,空水澄鲜[1],俯仰流连,疑是湖中别有天。 注释:[1]空水澄鲜:语出谢灵运《登江中孤屿》:“云日相晖映,空水共澄鲜。”指天空与湖水都是澄清明净的。 Gathering Mulberry Leaves (II) Ouyang XiuWest Lake is fine for us in painted boat loaded with wine.From pipes and strings comes music fast;From hand to hand jade cups soon passed,Secure on calming waves, drunk we lie.Fleeting clouds seem to float beneath our moving boat.The sky seems near to the dinersnow.Looking up and below, we will not go away.It seems there's in the lake another sky. -
Ouyang Xiu: Emerging Chazi: No. 2
Emerging Chazi: No. 2 (2) 含 羞 整 翠 鬟 得 意 频 相 顾。 雁 柱 十 三 弦 一 一 春 莺 语。 娇 云 容 易 飞 梦 断 知 何 处。 深 院 销 黄 昏 阵 阵 芭 蕉 雨。 Sheng Cha Zi (2) Han xiu zheng cui huan Dei yi pin xiang gu. Yan zhu shi san xian Yi yi chun ying yu. Jiao yun rong yi fei Meng duan zhi he chu. Shen yuan xiao huang hun Zhen zhen ba jiao yu. Emerging Chazi: No. 2 With a sly look, green jade woven into her black hair bun Frequently exudes the suggestion of her excellence. Guzheng with a wild goose sound board and thirteen strings One by one the springtime oriole songs emerge. These delicate clouds soon easily fly away Her dreams scattered, where did he go. Locked deep in her courtyard at dusk Rain falls like in battle formations on the banana leaves. Notes: Guzheng: Ancient Chinese stringed instrument -
Ouyang Xiu: Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 5
Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 5 减 字 木 兰 花 (5) 歌 檀 敛 袂。 缭 绕 雕 梁 尘 暗 起。 柔 润 清 圆。 百 琲 明 珠 一 线 穿。 樱 唇 玉 齿。 天 上 仙 音 心 下 事。 留 住 行 云。 满 座 迷 魂 酒 半 醺。 Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua (5) Ge tan lian mei Liao rao diao liang chen an qi. Rou run qing yuan. Bai bei ming zhu yi xian chuan. Ying chun yu chi Tian shang xian yin xin xia shi. Liu zhu heng yun. Man zuo mi hun jiu ban xun. Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 5 She collects herself from stage dancing, sleeves at rest Sounds curl up and around the carved roof beams like rising smoke. Voice soft and supple, clear and complete One hundred threaded pearl strings. Cherry red lips, jade white teeth Heavenly immortal voices come down to human heart-minds. Even the clouds stop to listen Audience half drunk and lost inside her performance. -
Ouyang Xiu: Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 4
Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 4 减 字 木 兰 花 (4) 画 堂 雅 宴。 一 抹 弦 初 入 遍。 慢 捻 轻 笼。 玉 指 纡 纡 嫩 剥 葱。 拔 头 傯 利。 怨 月 愁 花 无 限 意。 红 粉 轻 盈。 依 暖 香 檀 曲 未 成。 Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua (4) Hua tang ya yan Yi ma xian chu ru bian Man nian qing long. Yu zhi yu yu nen bao cong. Ba tou zong li. Yuan yue chou hua wu xian yi. Hong fen qing ying. Yi nuan xiang tan qu wei cheng. Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 4 Elegant, painted main banquet hall First early chords from vermilion pipa strings spread everywhere. Slow twisting fingertips, skillful and soft glissandos Low, thin fingers of jade, delicate like a peeled onion. She plays Ba Tou music without utilizing a mask Her mastery causes the moon to be resentful, and the flowers a melancholy without limits. When finished, the rouge and powder dead still and silent Leaning against the warm sandalwood instrument before continuing with more songs. Notes: Pipa: Ancient Chinese stringed instrument. Glissando: A series… -
Ouyang Xiu: Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 3
Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 3 减 字 木 兰 花 (3) 减字木兰花 楼 台 向 晓。 淡 月 低 云 天 好。 翠 幕 风 微。 宛 转 “梁 州” 入 破 时。 香 生 舞 袂。 楚 女 腰 肢 天 与 细。 汗 粉 重 匀。 酒 后 轻 寒 不 著 人。 Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua (3) Lou tai xiang xiao Dan yue di yun tian qi hao. Cui mu feng wei Wan zhuan “Liang Zhou” ru po shi. Xiang sheng wu mei Chu nu yao zhi tian yu xi. Han fen chong yun. Jiu hou qing han bu zhu ren. Short Version of Tree Orchids: No. 3 Balcony and terrace facing the daybreak Crescent moon into low clouds, weather perfect. Very light breeze through emerald green curtains Soft Wan Zhuan songs differ from the rough Liangzhou music. Fragrances emerge from dancing sleeves Heaven gave to the Chu ladies waists and limbs that are thin. Sweat on white powder, gets redone again and again After wine and relaxation, they do not feel cold. Notes: Wan Zhuan songs: Songs that are sweet and agreeable, mild and indirect. Liangzhou: Ancient name for the modern-day… -
Ouyang Xiu: His Life
Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072): His Life 1007 Born in Mingyang, province of Sichuan on June 21. His father was working as a bureaucrat for the imperial army. Ouyang’s family hometown was in the province of Jiangxi, city of Jizhou, and the village of Jishui. The Ouyang family had lived in the area for three generations before he was born. 1010 His father died in Taizhou, province of Jiangsu. His mother, who was then twenty-nine years old, took him to live in his paternal uncle’s house in Suizhou, Hubei. The uncle did not have a government job, so they lived in rural poverty. The household’s only income was from a small piece of land and the uncle’s tutoring of local students. This uncle was Ouyang’s first teacher, and with him, Xiu learned to read many old books. 1023 Ouyang took his first imperial examination, a county-level test in Suizhou. His poetry and literary skills were good enough to pass the test, but he failed because of his lack of complements for the imperial government. 1026 He took the test for a second time, and this time Ouyang passed. His first government position was to conduct and record the various Confucian and… -
Ouyang Xiu: Picking Mulberries: No. 7
Picking Mulberries: No. 7 (7) 荷 花 开 后 西 湖 好 载 酒 来 时。 不 用 旌 旗。 前 后 红 幢 绿 盖 随。 画 船 撑 入 花 深 处 香 泛 金 卮。 烟 雨 微 微。 一 片 笙 歌 醉 里 归。 Cai Sang Zi (7) He hua kai hou xi hu hao Zai jiu lai shi Bu yong jing qi Qian hou hong chuang lu gai sui. Hua chuan cheng ru hua shen chu Xiang fan jin zhi Yan yu wei wei Yi pian sheng ge zui li gui. Picking Mulberries: No. 7 Blooming lotus flowers, West Lake beautiful The season to arrive carrying wine. Do not need those with multi-colored streamers In the front and back, flowers like red pennants, followed by green canopies. Punted, painted boats enter deeply into the flowers Fragrances floating, including the wine vessel Mists and rain very light and faint Brief playing and singing songs, return home drunk. Notes: This particular West Lake is located in the province of Anhui, near the city of Buyang. Ouyang Xiu acknowledges that this lake and area are famous for it’s beauty and history of inspiring poems. He… -
Ouyang Xiu: Picking Mulberries: No. 5
Picking Mulberries: No. 5 (5) 何 人 解 赏 西 湖 好 佳 景 无 时。 飞 盖 相 追。 贪 向 花 间 醉 玉 卮。 谁 知 闲 凭 阑 干 处 芳 草 斜 晖。 水 远 烟 微。 一 点 沧 洲 白 鹭 飞。 Cai Sang Zi (5) He ren jie shang xi hu hao Jia jing wu shi Fei gai xiang zhui Tan xiang hua jian jiu yu zhi. Shei zhi xian ping lan gan chu Fang cao xie hui Shui yuan yan wei Yi diao cang zhou bai lu fei. Picking Mulberries: No. 5 Which person can enjoy the wonderful West Lake Excellent scenery regardless of the season. Fast, canopied carriages chase one another Seek precious flower patches, jade wine vessels. Who can know the pleasures of being inside the cross-hatched latticed windows Slanting sunlight, fragrant plants and grasses. Distant lake water, small patches of mist One dark spot, and islet egret in flight. -
Ouyang Xiu: Picking Mulberries: No. 3
Picking Mulberries: No. 3 (3) 画 般 载 酒 西 湖 好 急 管 繁 弦。 玉 盏 催 传。 稳 泛 平 波 任 醉 眠。 行 云 却 在 行 舟 下 空 水 澄 鲜。 俯 仰 流 连。 疑 是 湖 中 别 有 天。 Cai Sang Zi (3) Hua ban zai jiu xi hu hao Ji guan fan xian Yu zhan cui chuan Wen fan ping bo ren zui mian. Hang yun que zai hang zhou xia Kong shui deng xian Fu yang liu lian Yi shi hu zhong bie you tian. Picking Mulberries: No. 3 Painted boats easily carry wine on West Lake Many wind and stringed musical instruments play. Small jade cups used for a poetry-making game Level water, calm waves endure drunkenness and sleep. Drifting clouds, row of boats down below Fresh and clear sky and waters. Lift one’s head, time has flowed by again and again Am I in the middle of the lake, or in the middle of the sky? -
Ouyang Xiu: Picking Mulberries: No. 2
Picking Mulberries: No.2 (2) 春 深 雨 过 西 湖 好 百 卉 争 妍。 蝶 乱 蜂 喧。 晴 日 催 花 暖 欲 然。 兰 桡 画 舸 悠 悠 去 疑 是 神 仙。 返 照 波 间。 水 阔 风 高 扬 管 弦。 Cai Sang Zi (2) Chun shen yu guo xi hu hao Bai hui zheng yan. Die luan feng xuan Qing ri cui hua nuan yu ran. Lan rao hua ge you you qu Yi shi shen xian. Fan zhao bo jian Shui kuo feng gao yang guan xian. Picking Mulberries: No. 2 Late spring, rain passes over beautiful West Lake One hundred bedding flowers completely enchanting. Chaotic butterflies, noisy bees Clear and sunny skies warming up, hasten the blossom’s desires. Many emerging barges, painted and beautiful with orchids Perhaps they carry deities and immortals. Sunset reflections in between the waves Vast water, winds carry the sounds of wind and string musical instruments. -
Ouyang Xiu: Picking Mulberries: No. 1
Picking Mulberries: No.1 采桑子 (1) 轻 舟 短 棹 西 湖 好 绿 水 逶 迤。 芳 草 长 堤。 隐 隐 笙 歌 处 处 随。 无 风 水 面 琉 璃 滑 不 觉 船 移。 微 动 涟 漪。 惊 起 沙 禽 掠 岸 飞。 Cai Sang Zi Qing zhou duan zhao xi hu hao Lu shui wei yi. Fang cao chang di Yin yin sheng ge chu chu sui. Wu feng shui mian liu li hua Bu jue chuan yi. Wei dong lian yi Jing qi sha qin lue an fei. Picking Mulberries: No. 1 Small boat with short oars perfect for West Lake Meandering green waters. Long embankments with fragrant grasses Everywhere very faint bamboo flute melodies. Without wind, the water surface colored with a glossy glaze Cannot feel the movement of my boat. Ripples move in small, slow surges Startled water birds suddenly lift off from the sand. Notes: West Lake: This is not the most famous West Lake of Hangzhou. There are many “West Lake” areas in China. -
Ouyang Xiu: Proud Fishing Households: No. 1
Proud Fishing Households: No. 1 渔 家 傲 一 派 潺 湲 流 碧 涨。 新 亭 四 面 山 相 向。 翠 竹 岭 头 明 月 上。 迷 俯 仰。 月 轮 正 在 泉 中 漾。 更 待 高 秋 天 气 爽。 菊 花 香 里 开 新 酿。 酒 美 宾 嘉 真 胜 赏。 红 粉 唱。 山 深 分 外 歌 声 响。 Yu Jia Ao (1) Yi pai chan yuan liu bi zhang Xin ting si mian shan xiang xiang. Cui zhu ling tou ming yue shang. Mi fu yang. Yue lun zheng zai quan zhong yang Geng dai gao qiu tian qi shuang. Ju hua xiang li kai xin niang. Jiu mei bin jia zhen sheng shang. Hong fen chang. Shan shen fen wai ge sheng xiang. Proud Fishing Households: No. 1 One kind of bluish-green flowing water, slowly rising New pavilion, mountains nearby on all four sides. Bright moonlight above the tops of emerald green bamboo mountains Fascinated by lifting my head. Lunar circle in the spring fed ripples More entertainment from a tall autumn sky with bright and fresh air. Easily ferment fresh and fragrant chrysanthemum blossom… -
Ouyang Xiu: Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 4
Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 4 蝶 恋 花 海 燕 双 来 归 画 栋。 帘 影 无 风 花 影 频 移 动。 半 醉 腾 腾 春 睡 重。 绿 鬟 堆 枕 香 云 拥。 翠 被 双 盘 金 缕 凤。 忆 得 前 春 有 个 人 人 共。 花 里 黄 莺 时 一 弄。 日 斜 惊 起 相 思 梦。 Die Lian Hua (4) Hai yan shuang lai gui hua dong Lian ying wu feng. Hua ying pin yi dong Ban zui teng chun shui shi. Lu huan dui zhen xiang yun yong Cui bei shuang pan jin lu feng. Yi dei qian chun You ge ren ren gong. Hua li huang ying shi yi nong Ri xie jing qi xiang si meng. Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 4 Ocean swallows arrive in pairs, return to the painted roof beams Curtain shadows without movement. Flower shadows frequently move and shift Springtime semi-drunk, half asleep and staggering gait. Uncoiled hair, stacked pillows, head full of embracing clouds Emerald green quilt, pair of entwined golden-threaded phoenixes. Need to recall the time before spring Last year we shared spring together. Orioles inside flowers playing tricks… -
Ouyang Xiu: Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 2
Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 2 蝶 恋 花 (2) 南 雁 依 稀 回 侧 阵。 雪 霁 墙 阳 遍 觉 兰 芽 嫩。 中 夜 梦 馀 消 酒 困。 炉 香 卷 穗 灯 生 晕。 急 景 流 年 都 一 瞬。 往 事 前 欢 未 免 萦 方 寸。 腊 后 花 期 知 渐 近。 东 风 已 作 寒 梅 信。 Die Lian Hua (2) Nan yan yi xi hui ce zhen Xue ji qiang yang. Bian jue lan ya nen Zhong ye meng yu xiao jiu kun. Lu xiang juan sui deng sheng yun Ji jing liu nian dou yi shun. Wang shi qian huan Wei mian ying fang cun La hou hua qi zhi jian jin. Dong feng yi zuo han mei xin. Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 2 Side by side in a patterned formation, wild geese fly to the south Even the snow in the wall shadows has melted. Everywhere feel orchid buds that are tender and delicate After the middle of the night, dreams vanish, wine effects nearly exhausted. Lit lamp failing, incense burner aromas with curled and tasseled ashes Suddenly realize time has passed like… -
Ouyang Xiu: Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 1
Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 1 蝶 恋 花 帘 幕 东 风 寒 料 峭。 雪 里 香 梅 先 报 春 来 早。 红 蜡 枝 头 双 燕 小。 金 刀 剪 彩 呈 纤 巧。 旋 暖 金 炉 薰 薰 藻。 酒 入 横 波 困 不 禁 烦 恼。 绣 被 吾 更 春 睡 好 罗 帏 不 觉 纱 窗 晓。 Die Lian Hua (1) Lian mu dong feng han liao qiao Xue li xiang mei Xian bao chun lai zao. Hong la zhi tou shuang yan xiao. Jin dao jian cai cheng xian qiao Xuan nuan jin lu xun xun zao Jiu ru heng bo Kun bu jin fan nao Xiu bei wu geng chun shui hao Luo wei bu jue sha chuang xiao. Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 1 Through the curtains, east wind cold and chilly Snow inside the courtyard, fragrant plum blossoms Spring tells me that it will arrive early. Cut out a pair of small sparrows to sit upon the branches of my candlestick. Golden scissors cut ribbons to reveal the delicate and exquisite Quickly warm up the golden incense burner, a little smoky fragrance as a… -
Ouyang Xiu: Honestly Discuss Regrets
Honestly Discuss Regrets 清 商 怨 关 河 愁 思 望 处 满。 渐 素 秋 向 晚。 雁 过 南 云 行 人 回 泪 眼。 双 鸾 衾 裯 悔 展。 夜 又 永,枕 孤 人 远。 梦 未 成 归 “梅 花” 闻 塞 管。 Qin Shang Yuan Guan he chou si wang chu man Jian su qiu xiang wan Yan guo nan yun Xing ren hui lei yan. Shuang luan qin chou hui zhan Ye you yong, zhen gu ren yuan Meng wei cheng gui “Mei Hua” wen sai guan. Honestly Discuss Regrets Mountain pass river anxiously looking and thinking about the future Towards evening, beginning of white autumn scenery. Wild geese pass into the southern clouds This traveler turns around with tears in his eyes. She regretted opening up her wedding quilt with a pair of luan Every evening a solitary pillow, her man is far away. Tonight he has no dreams of returning home At a strategic border stronghold, only hear a wind musical instrument playing the melody “Plum Blossoms”. Notes: Luan: Legendary bird of ancient China -
Ouyang Xiu: Jade Tower in Spring: No. 3
Jade Tower in Spring: No. 3 玉 楼 春 (3) 春 山 敛 黛 低 歌 扇。 暂 解 吴 钩 登 祖 宴。 画 楼 钟 动 已 魂 消。 何 况 马 嘶 芳 草 岸。 青 门 柳 色 随 人 远。 望 欲 断 时 肠 已 断。 洛 城 春 色 待 君 来。 莫 到 满 花 飞 依 霰。 Yu Lou Chun (3) Chun shan lian dai di ge shan Zan jie wu gou deng zu yan Hua lou zhong dong yi hun xiao He kuang ma si fang cao an. Qing men liu se sui ren yuan Wang yu duan shi chang yi duan Luo cheng chun se dai jun lai Mo dao man hua fei yi xian. Jade Tower in Spring: No. 3 Spring mountains, her sad black eyeliner droops and fades He left his Wu hooked-sword with her, then goes off to earn a battle victory banquet Painted tower bells loudly ring assembly, her spirit vanished with him Trained neighing horses ready to leave the fragrant riverside grasses. Out of the blue gate, willow tree colors follow them to the horizon Gaze into the distance, at the bitter… -
Ouyang Xiu: Jade Tower in Spring: No. 1
Jade Tower in Spring: No. 1 玉 楼 春 风 迟 日 媚 烟 光 好。 绿 树 依 依 芳 意 早。 年 华 客 易 即 凋 零 春 色 只 宜 长 恨 少。 池 塘 隐 隐 惊 雷 晓。 柳 眼 未 开 梅 萼 小。 尊 前 贪 爱 物 华 新。 不 道 物 新 人 渐 老。 Yu Lou Chun (1) Feng chi ri mei yan guang hao Lu shu yi yi fang yi zao Nian hua yu yi ji diao ling Chun se zhi yi chang hen shao. Chi tang yin yin jing lei xiao. Liu yan wei kai mei e xiao. Zun qian tan ai wu hua xin Bu dao wu xin ren jian lao. Jade Tower in Spring: No. 1 Slow breeze, fine landscape with charming mists and sunlight Green trees swaying in the wind, fragrances anticipate the dawn Years go by, things easily fall down and scatter about Resent a little, these spring colors that last only for a short time. Thunder at dawn startles those around ponds and embankments. Willow buds not yet open, plum blossom calyxes small. Covet the wine vessel, love the fresh… -
Ouyang Xiu: Proud Fishing Households: No. 15
Proud Fishing Households: No. 15 鱼 家 傲 (15) 别 恨 长 长 欢 计 短。 疏 钟 促 漏 真 堪 怨。 此 会 此 情 都 未 半。 星 初 转。 鸾 琴 凤 乐 匆 匆 卷。 河 鼓 无 言 西 北 盼。 香 蛾 有 恨 东 南 远。 脉 脉 横 波 珠 泪 满。 归 心 乱。 离 肠 便 家 星 桥 断。 Yu Jia Ao (15) Bie hen chang chang huan ji duan. Shu zhong cu lou zhen kan yuan. Ci hui ci qing dou wei ba Xing chu zhuan. Luan qin feng yue cong cong juan. He gu wu yan xi bei pan. Xiang e you hen dong nan yuan. Mo mo heng bo zhu lei man. Gui xin luan. Li chang bian jia xing qiao duan. Proud Fishing Households: No. 15 So long apart, joyous reunions very brief Resent the distant bells and nearby water clocks. These emotional meetings only get half-way done Northern polestar is beginning to shift. Dragon and phoenix music hastily swept along Altair without words moves to the northwest Vega resents going to the southeast Horizon waves full of affectionate pearl teardrops Returning… -
Ouyang Xiu: Proud Fishing Households: No. 13
Proud Fishing Households: No. 13 鱼 家 傲 (13) 喜 鹊 填 河 仙 浪 浅。 云 併 早 在 星 桥 畔。 街 鼓 黄 昏 霞 尾 暗。 炎 光 敛。 金 钩 侧 到 天 西 面。 一 别 经 年 今 始 见。 新 欢 往 恨 知 何 限。 天 上 佳 期 贪 着 恋。 良 宵 短。 人 间 不 合 催 银 箭。 Yu Jia Ao (13) Xi que tian he xian qiao qian Yun zao zai xing qiao pan Jie gu huang hun xia an. Yan guang lian. Jin gou ce dao tian xi mian. Yi bie jing nian jin shi jian. Xin huan wang hen zhi he xian. Tian shang jia qi tan zhao lian. Liang xiao duan. Ren jian bu he cui yin jian. Proud Fishing Households: No. 13 Happy magpies and immortals cross the receding waves of the Celestial River She awaits on one side of the star bridge for a heavenly and cloudy carriage Mortals beat drums, anticipate the yellowing dusk and sunset clouds. Sun’s light and glory fades away. Crescent golden moon rises from the western sky Apart for one year, they only now…
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