Li Bai Poem: The Moon over Mount Brow – 李白《峨眉山月歌》

Emei Mountain Moon Song" is a poem by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty.
Li Bai Poem: The Moon over Mount Brow - 李白《峨眉山月歌》








[1] 峨眉:峨眉山,在四川峨眉县。

[2] 半轮:指月形如半个车轮。

[3] 平羌:江名。即青衣江。源出四川芦山县,流经乐山县注入岷江。

[4] 清溪:驿名,在今四川犍为县。

[5] 三峡:关于三峡众说纷纭。《峡程记》:三峡者,明月峡、巫山峡、广溪峡。有人解释为三峡俱在巴东,大抵六七百里,巫山之下者为巫峡,巫峡之上为广溪峡,巫峡之下为西陵峡。

[6] 渝州:今四川重庆市。

The Moon over Mount Brow

Li Bai

The crescent moon looks like old Autumn’s golden brow;

Its deep reflection flows with limpid water blue.

I’ll leave the town on Clear Stream for the Three Gorges now.

O Moon, how I miss you when you are out of view!

This quatrain is written when the poet sails on the river between the steep cliffs which prevent him from seeing the moon he saw over Mount Brow in his homeland.

《峨眉山月歌》是唐代大诗人李白的诗作。这是李白初次出四川时创作的一首依恋家乡山水的诗,写诗人在舟中所见的夜景:峨眉山上空高悬着半轮秋月,平羌江水中流动着月亮映影。首句是仰望,写静态之景;次句是俯视,写动态之景;第三句写出发和前往的地点;第四句写思念友人之情。全诗连用五个地名,通过山月和江水展现了一幅千里蜀江行旅图,语言自然流畅,构思新颖精巧,意境清朗秀美,充分显示了青年李白的艺术天赋。Emei Mountain Moon Song” is a poem by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. It is a poem written by Li Bai when he first went out to Sichuan, about the night scene he saw in his boat: the half-moon of autumn hanging high above Mount Emei, and the moon reflecting in the water of Pingqiang River. The first line is about looking up, writing a static scene; the second line is about looking down, writing a dynamic scene; the third line is about the place of departure and travel; the fourth line is about missing friends. The poem uses five names in a row to show a picture of a journey of a thousand miles on the Shu River through the mountains, the moon and the river.

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