Li Bai: Travel to Mt. Tai: Six Poems: No. 3

Travel to Mt. Tai: Six Poems: No. 3

游 太 山 : 六 首
平 明 登 日 观
举 手 开 云 关。
精 神 四 飞 扬
如 出 天 地 间。
黄 河 从 西 来
窈 窕 入 远 山。
凭 崖 览 八 极
目 尽 长 空 闲。
偶 然 值 青 童
绿 发 双 云 鬟。
笑 我 晚 学 仙
磋 跎 凋 朱 颜。
踌 躇 忽 不 见
浩 荡 难 追 攀。
You Tai Shan: Liu Shou


Ping ming deng ri guan
Ju shou kai yun guan.
Jing shen si fei yang
Ru chu tian di jian.

Huang he cong xi lai
Yao tiao ru yuan shan.
Ping ya lan ba ji
Mu jin chang kong xian.

Ou ran zhi qing tong
Lu fa shuang yun huan.
Xiao wo wan xue xian
Cuo tuo diao zhu yan.
Chou chu hu bu jian
Hao dang nan zhui pan.


Travel to Mt. Tai: Six Poems: No. 3

Daybreak, climbing up with different views of the sun
Raise my hand to open up the clouds.
On four sides, spirit and essence flies upward
Like going beyond the space between heaven and earth.

From the west, the Yellow River arrives
Deep and quiet through the far away mountains.
Leaning against a cliff, view the eight directions
See mostly large, empty sky.

By chance, sometimes meet a young child
Black hair in two buns like clouds.
Smile, I have arrived too late to study the immortals
Idled away opportunity, face now the old and withered.
Hesitate, suddenly do not see him
Vast and mighty, difficult to follow their ascensions.



Mt. Tai:  Located in Shandong Province, it is the eastern mountain of the Five Great Peaks of China, and also known as the “Jade Emperor Peak”.

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