Li Bai: In Ye Zhong, Send As a Gift to Wang Da, Advises Me to Go With Him to Mt. Shiman to Find the Hidden and Secluded Home of Gao Feng

In Ye Zhong, Send As a Gift to Wang Da, Advises Me to Go With Him to Mt. Shiman to Find the Hidden and Secluded Home of Gao Feng

邺 中 赠 王 大 劝 入 高 凤 石 门 幽 居
一 身 竟 无 托
远 与 孤 蓬 征。
千 里 失 所 依
复 将 落 叶 并。
中 途 偶 良 朋
问 我 将 何 行。
欲 献 济 时 策
此 心 谁 见 明?
君 王 制 六 合
海 塞 无 交 兵。
壮 士 伏 草 间
沉 忧 乱 纵 横。
飘 飘 不 得 意
昨 发 南 都 城。
紫 燕 枥 上 嘶
青 萍 匣 中 鸣。
投 躯 寄 天 下
长 啸 寻 豪 英。
耻 学 琅 邪 人
龙 蟠 事 躬 耕。
富 贵 吾 自 取
建 功 及 春 荣。
我 愿 执 尔 手
尔 方 达 我 情。
相 知 同 一 己
岂 唯 弟 与 兄。
抱 子 弄 白 云
琴 歌 发 清 声。
临 别 意 难 尽
各 希 存 令 名。
Ye Zhong Zeng Wang Da Quan Ru Gao Feng Shi Men You Ju

Yi shen jing wu tuo
Yuan yu gu peng zheng.
Qian li shi suo yi
Fu jiang luo ye bing.

Zhong tu ou liang peng
Wen wo jiang he xing.
Yu xian ji shi ce
Ci xin shei jian ming?

Jun wang zhi liu he
Hai sai wu jiao bing.
Zhuang shi fu cao jian
Chen you luan zong heng.

Piao piao bu dei yi
Zuo fa nan dou cheng.
Zi yan li shang si
Qing ping xia zhong ming.

Tou qu ji tian xia
Chang xiao xun hao ying.
Chi xue lang xie ren
Long pan shi gong geng.

Fu gui wu zi qu
Jian gong ji chun rong.
Wo yuan zhi er shou
Er fang da wo qing.

Xiang zhi tong yi ji
Qi wei di yu xiong.
Bao zi nong bai yun
Qin ge fa qing sheng.
Lin bie yi nan jin
Ge xi cun ling ming.


In Ye Zhong, Send As a Gift to Wang Da, Advises Me to Go With Him to Mt. Shiman to Find the Hidden and Secluded Home of Gao Feng

Throughout my life no support or dependents
Long journeys like a rolling tumbleweed.
For hundreds of miles, depend upon unconventional places
Again take time to gather my fallen leaves of poetry.

By chance meet good friends along the way
They ask me where I am off to next.
My desire to share my plans to help my country and people
Who can look into and understand my heart-mind?

The emperor controls the world’s six directions
Ocean borders without soldiers or weapons.
Opportunity to bring high-level intellectuals from the countryside
But still need concern for unexpected and random disorder released from far and wide.

Fluttering about did not get my wish
Yesterday I left for Nanyang.
Ziyan my horse, neighs in his stall
Qingping my sword, chirping in its scabbard like a bird.

Put my body in service of the land
Long howl, seeking to be a hero and a man of valor.
Shame for not learning how to fight evil people like Zhuge Liang
I cannot wait like a coiled dragon while I cultivate myself.

I have to get rich and be valuable by myself
Young enough to build and attain success.
I reach to hold your hand
You and I understand each other’s feelings.

Know each other like one person
One of us like an older brother, one younger.
You go to play with your children
Qin songs produce pure sounds.
At parting, difficult to share many wishes
Hope for a good name and fame for each other.



Nanyang: City in southwestern Henan Province

Zhuge Liang:  (181-234 AD) Famous military strategist and nicknamed the “Crouching Tiger”.

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