Li Qingzhao: Evening Arrives Sunk and Drunk: (Reveal Innermost Feelings)

Li Qingzhao: Evening Arrives Sunk and Drunk: (Reveal Innermost Feelings)
Li Qingzhao

Evening Arrives Sunk and Drunk: (Reveal Innermost Feelings)


夜 来 沉 醉 卸 妆 迟
梅 萼 插 残 枝。
酒 醒 熏 被 春 睡
梦 远 不 成 归。

人 悄 悄,月 依 依
翠 帘 垂。 更 挼 残 蕊
更 捻 馀 香
更 得 些 时。


Su Zhong Qing

Ye lai chen zui xie zhuang chi
Mei e cha can zhi.
Jiu xing xun bei chun shui
Meng yuan bu cheng gui.

Ren qiao qiao, yue yi yi
Cui lian chui. Geng rua can rui
Geng nian yu xiang
Geng dei xie shi.


Evening Arrives Sunk and Drunk: (Reveal Innermost Feelings)

Evening arrives, sunk and drunk, slow to remove my make-up
Bring a branch remnant with a few plum calyxes left.
Sobering up from the wine, incense smoke on my quilt during a
springtime sleep
Distant dreams not able to achieve his return.

People quiet and hidden, moon reluctant to part
Emerald green curtain hangs down. Remaining pistils crumble away
Thinking of what fragrances are left
More significant passage of time before they return.

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