Thin Fog and Thick Flowers
薄 雾 浓 云 愁 永 昼
瑞 脑 消 金 兽。
佳 节 又 重 阳
玉 枕 纱 橱,半 夜 凉 初 透。
东 篱 把 酒 黄 昏 后
有 暗 香 盈 袖。
莫 道 不 消 魂
帘 卷 西 风,人 比 黄 花 瘦?
Zui Hua Yin
Bao wu nong yun chou yong zhou
Rui nao xiao jin shou.
Jia jie you chong yang
Yu zhen sha chu, ban ye liang chu tou.
Dong li ba jiu huang hun hou
You an xiang ying xiu.
Mo dao bu xiao hun
Lian juan xi feng, ren bi huang hua shou?
Thin Fog and Thick Clouds
(Drunk in the Shade of Flowers)
Thin fog, thick clouds, anxious all day long
Exquisite incense burned away from its golden holder.
Double Nine festival happy times
Jade pillow rest, gauze bed curtains
Half way through the evening, the coolness begins to penetrate
Along the eastern fence, held wine after the yellow dusk.
Sleeves still retain hidden fragrances
Do not need to say that my energy and spirit have disappeared.
West wind against rolled up curtains
Compared to the yellow flowers, isn’t my mental state thin and bare?
Double Nine Festival: Ninth day of the ninth lunar month holiday. With the number nine representing yang energy, double nine would imply too much yang energy. On this day the Chinese traditionally climb a mountain and drink chrysanthemum tea.