Li Yu: Arise From Illness, Write This On My Mountain Cabin Wall

Arise From Illness, Write This On My Mountain Cabin Wall

病 起 题 山 舍 壁
山 舍 初 成 病 乍 轻
杖 藜 巾 褐 称 闲 情。
炉 开 小 火 深 回 暖
沟 引 新 流 几 曲 声。
暂 约 彭 绢 安 朽 质
终 期 宗 远 问 无 生。
谁 能 役 役 尘 中 累
贪 合 鱼 龙 构 强 名。
Bing Qi Ti Shan She Bi

Shan she chu cheng bing zha qing
Zhang li jin he chen xian qing.
Lu kai xiao huo shen hui nuan
Gou yin xin liu ji qu sheng.

Zan yue peng juan an xiu shi
Dong qi zong yuan wen wu sheng.
Shei neng yi yi chen zhong lei
Tan he yu long gou qiang ming.


Arise From Illness, Write This On My Mountain Cabin Wall

Mountain cabin as a place to heal from illnesses
Caltrop wooden cane, wear a simple bandanna to express my emotions of idleness.
Came back to the warmth of a small fire inside my open stove
Fresh flows in nearby ditches create several melodic sounds.

Invite the life of immortals Peng and Jun with their qualities of peace and spirit
To the end await to emulate Zong and Yuan, and think about leading the life of No Rebirth.
So many too busy inside the dust running around, hoping to gather what is not really important
Want to join the fish who become dragons, do not need to chase name and fame.



Peng and Jun: Two famous immortals

Zong and YuanZong Bing (375-443 AD) lived during the Eastern Jin dynasty and wanted to live in rural seclusion away from the palace life. Hui Yuan was a high level Buddhist monk living at the temple below Mt. Lu.

No Rebirth: Buddhist belief that obtaining a certain level of enlightenment allows one to not have to return to Earth for more instruction.

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