Li Yu: Send Off Governor Congyi the Twentieth, Sent to Xuan

Send Off Governor Congyi the Twentieth, Sent to Xuan

送 邓 王 二 十 第 从 益 牧 宣 城
且 维 轻 舸 更 迟 迟
别 酒 重 倾 惜 解 携。
浩 浪 侵 愁 关 荡 漾
乱 山 凝 恨 色 高 低。
君 驰 桧 楫 情 可 极
我 凭 阑 干 日 向 西。
咫 尺 烟 江 几 多 地
不 须 怀 抱 重 凄 凄。
Song Deng Wang Er Shi Di Cong Yi Mu Xian Cheng

Qie wei qing ge geng chi chi
Bie jiu chong qing xi jie xie.
Hao lang qin chou guan dang yang
Luan shan ning hen se gao di.

Jun chi gui ji qing ke ji
Wo ping lan gan ri xiang xi.
Zhi chi yan jiang ji duo di
Bu xu huai bao chong qi qi.


Send Off Governor Congyi the Twentieth, Sent to Xuan

For now let us stay together, and be slow to transfer from a light barge
Pour out again and again our departure wine.
Many waves approach, undulating brightly from your boat brings sadness
You disappear into the mountains, resent high and low colors.

Moving juniper-wood oars, you feel the same
Strain to see the setting sun crossing into the west.
But glad you will be somewhat close, beyond the river mists
Do not have to feel too bleak and cold by holding onto thoughts of you.



Congyi the Twentieth was Li Yu’s favorite brother. He was younger than Li, and was the twentieth in birth order of the male children.

Xuan: A city located in Anhui Province.

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