Li Yu: Copper Springs Make Clear Sounds: (The Happy Buddha)

Copper Springs Make Clear Sounds: (The Happy Buddha)

铜 簧 韵: 普 萨 蛮
铜 簧 韵 脆 锵 寒 竹
亲 声 慢 奏 移 纤 玉。
眼 色 暗 相 钩
秋 波 横 欲 流。
雨 云 深 绣 户
未 便 谐 衷 素。
宴 罢 又 成 空
魂 迷 春 睡 中。
Tong Huang Yun: (Pu Sa Man)

Tong huang yun cui qiang han zhu
Qin sheng man zou yi xian yu.
Yan se an xiang gou
Qiu bo heng yu liu.

Yu yun shen xiu hu
Wei bian xie zhong su.
Yan ba you cheng kong
Hun mi jun shui zhong.


Copper Springs Make Clear Sounds: (The Happy Buddha)

Copper springs make clear, crisp and sweet sounds, holed bamboo clangs in the wind
Slow intimate performance transforms with fine jade-like fingers.
Meaningful secret glances at each other are a hook
Across the horizon, autumn waves want to flow.

Rain and clouds behind deep embroidered doors
So easy their hearts harmonize in true love.
When the banquet part ends, spaces produce emptiness
Fascinated spirit in the middle of a spring nap.



Rain and clouds: sexual activities

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