Lu Yu: Amid Wind and Rain, Gaze Into the Distance at the Gorge’s Mouth

Amid Wind and Rain, Gaze Into the Distance at the Gorge’s Mouth, Many Mountains and Their Unusual Dramas Help to Compose Short Poems

风 雨 中 望 峡 口 诸 山 奇 甚 戏 作 短 歌
白 盐 赤 甲 天 下 雄
拔 地 突 兀 摩 苍 穹。
凛 然 猛 士 抚 长 剑
空 有 豪 健 无 雍 容。
不 令 气 象 少 渟 滀
常 恨 天 地 无 全 功。
今 朝 忽 悟 始 叹 息
妙 处 元 在 烟 雨 中。
太 阴 杀 气 横 惨 淡
元 化 变 态 含 空 濛。
正 如 奇 材 遇 事 见
平 日 乃 与 常 人 同。
安 得 朱 楼 高 百 尺
看 此 疾 雨 吹 横 风?
Feng Yu Zhong Wang Xia Kou Zhu Shan Qi Shen Xi Zuo Duan Ge

Bai yan chi jia tian xia xiong
Ba di tu wu mo cang qiong.
Lin ran meng shi fu chang jian
Kong you hao jian wu yong rong.

Bu ling qi xiang shao ting chu
Chang hen tian di wu quan gong.
Jin zhao hu wu shi tan xi
Miao chu yuan zai yan yu zhong.

Tai yin sha qi heng can dan
Yuan hua bian tai han kong meng.
Zheng ru qi cai yu shi jian
Ping ri nai yu chang ren tong.
An de zhu lou gao bai chi
Kan ci ji yu chui heng feng?


Amid Wind and Rain, Gaze Into the Distance at the Gorge’s Mouth, Many Mountains and Their Unusual Dramas Help to Compose Short Poems

Mt. Baiyan and Mt. Chijia most powerful down here on earth
Standing tall and erect, towering to caress the empyrean layers.
Like fierce soldiers standing with their long swords
Into the sky with boldness and strength, yet no poise or grace.

No reason for the air to move, imitates gathered and stagnant pools of water
Down here on earth, my constant regrets without any successful results.
Heave a sigh, today begin to awaken suddenly
Perhaps the ideal place to start is within mists and rain.

Weather very dark, atmosphere gloomy and bleak
Then feel an initial transformation and metamorphosis into soft drizzles.
See that when confronted with a problem, oftentimes unusual abilities emerge
Associate with those who appear to be ordinary, yet their simplicity hides their talents.
Tranquility gives the vermilion buildings an appearance of one hundred feet tall
See this pain-filled rain, blowing away from west to east?



Mt. Baiyan and Mt. Chijia:  Two mountains located near the Qutang Gorge, one of the Three Gorges along the Changjiang. Together they form what appears to many as a gate.

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