Lu Yu: Before Mid-Morning, Same Route As a Previous Journey on the Lin River

Before Mid-Morning, Same Route As a Previous Journey on the Lin River

上 巳 临 川 道 中
二 月 六 夜 春 水 生
陆 子 初 有 临 川 行。
溪 深 桥 断 不 得 渡
城 近 卧 闻 吹 角 声。
三 月 三 日 天 气 新
临 川 道 中 愁 杀 人。
纤 纤 女 手 桑 叶 绿
漠 漠 客 舍 桐 花 春。
平 生 怕 路 如 怕 虎
幽 居 不 省 游 城 府。
鹤 躯 苦 瘦 坐 长 饥
龟 息 无 声 唯 默 数。
如 今 自 怜 还 自 笑
敛 版 低 心 事 年 少。
儒 冠 未 恨 终 自 误
刀 笔 最 惊 非 素 料。
五 更 欹 枕 一 凄 然
梦 里 扁 舟 水 接 天。
红 蕖 绿 芰 梅 山 下
白 塔 朱 楼 禹 庙 边。


Shang Si Lin Chuan Dao Zhong

Er yue liu ye chun shui sheng
Lu zi chu you lin chuan xing.
Xi shen qiao duan bu de du
Cheng jin wo wen chui jiao sheng.

San yue san ri tian qi xin
Lin chuan dao zhong chou sha ren.
Xian xian nu shou sang ye lu
Mo mo ke she tong hua chun.

Ping sheng pa lu ru pa hu
You ju bu xing you cheng fu.
He qu ku shou zuo chang ji
Gui xi wu sheng wei mo shu.

Ru jin zi lian huan zi xiao
Lian ban di xin shi nian shao.
Ru guan wei hen zhong zi wu
Dao bi zui jing fei su liao.

Wu geng qi zhen yi qi ran
Meng li bian zhou shui jie tian.
Hong qu lu ji mei shan xia
Bai ta zhu lou yu miao bian.


Before Mid-Morning, Same Route As a Previous Journey
on the Lin River

Second month, sixth evening of spring, the waters emerge
I have begun to travel on the Lin River.
Bridge broken, small stream too high to cross, have to wait
Rest near a city wall, hear the martial sounds of horns playing.

Third lunar month, third day, weather is fresh
Deathly sad and stuck on the Lin River.
Thin, small and female hands picking the green mulberry leaves
Vast and misty landscape, visitors abandon these springtime paulownia blossoms.

All my life, afraid of the roads like tigers
Secluded dwellings, travels to this rural backwater brings no insights.
Sit for a long time hungry, body like a lean and bitter crane
Like a turtle, head inside without making a sound.

For example, today naturally without the comforts of laughter
In my youth, held the lianban with a lowered heart-mind.
My high-level education not enough to prevent regrets for my errors
Most swords and brushes startle beyond simple expectations.

Fifth nighttime watch, slanted pillow dreary
In my dreams, I am in a flat boat where the water meets the sky.
Below the mountain plum blossoms, hometown pink lotus and green water caltrop.
Along the side of the vermilion towers and a white pagoda, the shrine for the Great Yu.



Written in March 1166 AD when Lu was age forty-two. After working in Longxin, he traveled on the Lin River. Located in modern Fuzhou, he had visited here eight years previously.

Paulownia:  Trees native to southeast Asia.

Lianban: A board held by the official who wanted to address the emperor during the early morning audiences in the palace.

Great Yu:  Legendary ancient ruler who was famous for conquering the floods.

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