Lu Yu: Ninth Lunar Month, Sixteenth Day, Night Time Dreams of Being Stationed at the Army Camp West of the Yellow River

Ninth Lunar Month, Sixteenth Day, Night Time Dreams of Being Stationed at the Army Camp West of the Yellow River, Causing the Northern Invaders to Abandon Our Cities

九 月 十 六 日 夜 梦 驻 军 河 外, 遣 使 招 降 诸 城,觉 而 有 作
杀 气 昏 昏 横 塞 上
东 旁 黄 河 开 玉 帐。
昼 飞 羽 檄 下 列 城
夜 脱 貂 裘 抚 降 将。
将 军 枥 上 汗 血 马
孟 士 腰 间 虎 文 韔
阶 前 白 刃 明 如 霜
门 外 长 戟 森 相 向。
朔 风 卷 地 吹 急 雪
转 盼 玉 花 深 一 丈。
谁 言 铁 衣 冷 彻 骨?
感 义 怀 恩 如 挟 纩。
腥 臊 窟 穴 一 洗 空
太 行 北 岳 元 无 恙。
更 呼 斗 酒 作 长 歌
要 遣 天 山 健 儿 唱。
Jiu Yue Shi Liu Ri Ye Meng Zhu Jun He Wai, Qian Shi Zhao Xiang Zhu Cheng, Jue Er You Zuo

Sha qi hun hun heng sai shang
Dong pang huang he kai yu zhang.
Zhou fei yu xi xia lie cheng
Ye tuo diao qiu fu xiang jiang.

Jiang jun li shang han xie ma
Meng shi yao jian hu wen chang.
Jie qian bai ren ming ru shuang
Men wai chang ji sen xiang xiang.

Shuo feng juan di chui ji xue
Zhuan pan yu hua shen yi zhang.
Shei yan tie yi leng che gu
Gan yi huai en ru xie kuang.

Xing sao ku xue yi xi kong
Tai xing bei yue yuan wu yang.
Geng hu dou jiu zuo chang ge
Yao qian tian shan jian er chang.

Ninth Lunar Month, Sixteenth Day, Night Time Dreams of Being Stationed at the Army Camp West of the Yellow River, Causing the Northern Invaders to Abandon Our Cities

Vent one’s feelings, from west to east very dim and murky upon the strategic border ramparts
Opened curtains of the general’s tents facing east across the Yellow River.
Daytime the official call to arms flies about along rows of cities
If their general surrenders, by evening we could shed our ermine fur coats.

Our army general can tie up his hanxie horses
Accomplished warriors wear tiger-decorated bow cases on their waists.
Guards in front of the tents, shiny blades bright like frost
Outside the gates, long halberds nearby appear in profusion.

New moon, wind blows and sweeps along the newly fallen snow
Turn around, the snowflakes piled up one foot deep.
Who said the steel armor’s cold would penetrate into the bones
Wearing silk gives one the sense of loyalty to one’s country.

Jin people smell of rotten meat, we need to wash out their empty caves and holes
Northern high mountains of Mt. Taihang will be disinfected.
When finished, decaliters in the wine games and singing songs will go far into the night
Want to call upon the healthy and robust children of Mt. Tian to join us in song.



The army camp was set up on the southwest side of the Yellow River because the northern invaders had no boats, nor could many of them swim, to cross over into the rest of China.

Hanxie horses: Horses named as their sweat appears to be blood red. These horses make for excellent and strong war horses.

The Jin people: One of many clans or nations living in the nomadic areas north and west of Southern Song China.

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