Meng Haoran: Beginning of Summer, Return to Hannan Yuan, Send This Letter to My Capital City Friends

Meng Haoran: Beginning of Summer, Return to Hannan Yuan, Send This Letter to My Capital City Friends
Meng Haoran

Beginning of Summer, Return to Hannan Yuan, Send This Letter to My Capital City Friends


尝 读 “高 士 传”
最 嘉 陶 征 君。
日 耽 田 园 趣
自 谓 羲 皇 人。

余 复 何 为 者
恓 恓 徒 问 津?
中 年 废 丘 壑
十 上 旅 风 尘。

忠 欲 事 明 主
孝 思 侍 老 亲。
归 来 当 炎 夏
耕 稼 不 及 春。

扇 枕 北 窗 下
采 芝 南 涧 滨。
闲 声 谢 朝 列
吾 慕 颍 阳 真。


Zhong Xia Gui Han Nan Yuan Ji Jing Yi Jiu You

Chang du “ Gao Shi Zhuan”
Zui jia tao zheng jun.
Ri dan tian yuan qu
Zi wei xi huang ren.

Yu fu he wei zhe
Xi xi tu wen jin?
Zhong nian fei qiu he
Shi shang lu feng chen.

Zhong yu shi ming zhu
Xiao si shi lao qin.
Gui lai dang yan xia
Geng jia bu ji chun.

Shan zhen bei chuang xia
Cai zhi nan jian bin.
Xian sheng xie zhao lie
Wu mu ying yang zhen.


Beginning of Summer, Return to Hannan Yuan, Send This Letter to My Capital City Friends

Have read the Gao Shi Zhuan before
I like best Tao Yuanming.
Everyday you enjoyed your fields and gardens
You were your own ancient emperor.

Why do I try over and over again
Spending so much time asking for a salaried government job?
For many years gave up hills and valleys
Like Shi Shang who traveled with phony people and worldly affairs.

I wanted to loyally serve one emperor
And do filial duty to family and ancestors.
Came back in the middle of a hot summer
Too late to springtime sow and cultivate grains.

Only now can take care of family in my hometown
Like Cai Zhi stay in valley and river seclusion.
I write this letter of departure to you waiting for zhao lie
I also admire the Yin Yang.



Gao Shi Zhuan: A book of men living in rural seclusion written during the Jin Dynasty.

Tao Yuanming: (365-427): Famous Eastern Jin Dynasty poet. His life and times, as well as his poetry can also be found at this site.

Zhao Lie: (?-400 BC) A ruler during the state of Zhao. He is being used by Meng as a historical allusion for a righteous and humane government.

Yin Yang:  Famous philosophy, science and medical concepts where opposite forces balance and complement each other. As such, it is found throughout Chinese history and society, as well as in eastern Asia.

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