Meng Haoran: End of the Year: Return to the Southern Mountains

End of the Year: Return to the Southern Mountains

岁 晚 归 南 山
北 阙 休 上 书
南 山 归 弊 庐。
不 才 明 主 弃
多 病 故 人 疏。
白 发 催 年 老
青 阳 逼 岁 除。
永 怀 愁 不 寐
松 月 夜 堂 虚。
Sui Wan Gui Nan Shan

Bei que xiu shang shu
Nan shan gui bi lu.
Bu cai ming zhu qi
Duo bing gu ren shu.

Bai fa cui nian lao
Qing yang bi sui chu.
Yong huai chou bu mei
Song yue ye tang xu.


End of the Year: Return to the Southern Mountains

Northern palace watchtower attendants refused to give my documents to the emperor
Return to my simple hut in the Southern Mountains.
Without imperial clear vision, my talents thrown away
Many illnesses, older friends fewer and fewer.

One year older, white hair hastens
Springtime, another year has passed.
Long time no sleep, thinking of cares
Pine trees and moon, at night in an empty house.



Southern Mountains: Located south of the capital city of Chang’an (Xi’an).

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