Meng Haoran: Garden Idleness: Thinking of Suzi

Meng Haoran: Garden Idleness: Thinking of Suzi
Meng Haoran

Garden Idleness: Thinking of Suzi


林 园 雖 少 事
幽 独 自 多 违。
向 夕 開 簾 坐
庭 隂 葉 落 微。

鸟 從 烟 树 宿
萤 傍 水 轩 飛。
感 念 同 櫰 子
京 華 去 不 歸。


Xian Yuan Huai Su Zi

Lin yuan sui shao shi
You du zi duo wei.
Xiang xi kai lian zuo
Ting yin ye luo wei.

Niao cong yan shu su
Ying bang shui xuan fei.
Gan nian tong huai zi
Jing hua qu bu gui.


Garden Idleness: Thinking of Suzi

Although we have a garden and grove, little work is required
Would rather stay here more, by myself in this remote place.
Towards the sunset, open the curtains and sit
Front courtyard shade, a few leaves falling.

Birds join smoke and mist, to stay overnight in the trees
Fireflies hover near the pavilion waters.
Thankful that we share the same thoughts and feelings
With you in the capital, where the country’s cream is found, we cannot
come together.

To TAReward
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