Meng Haoran: With Hangzhou City Manager Mr. Xue, Climb Up the Zhang Tower

With Hangzhou City Manager Mr. Xue, Climb Up the Zhang Tower

与 杭 州 薛 司 户 登 樟 亭 楼 作
水 楼 一 登 眺
半 出 青 林 高。
弈 幕 英 寮 敞
芳 筵 下 客 叨。
山 藏 伯 禹 穴
城 压 伍 胥 涛。
今 日 观 溟 涨
垂 纶 学 钓 鳌。
Yu Hang Zhou Xue Si Hu Deng Zhang Ting Lou Zuo

Shui lou yi deng tiao
Ban chu qing lin gao.
Yi mu ying liao chang
Fang yan xia ke tao.

Shan cang bo yu xue
Cheng ya wu xu tao.
Jin ri guan ming zhang
Chui lun xue diao ao.


With Hangzhou City Manager Mr. Xue, Climb Up the Zhang Tower

Climb up this tower to look into the distance
Half of the building above the treetops.
The Honorable Mr. Xue opens the large curtain
I am indebted to your good food and hospitality.

Hidden in the mountains, the catacomb of Bo Yu
City walls above the river’s tidal bore.
Today we see this wave rise and fall
I wish to be like the fisherman who caught the six legendary turtles.



Bo Yu: (ca. 2123-2025 BC) Famous founder of the Xia Dynasty (ca. 2070-1600 BC) and tamer of floods.

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