Meng Haoran: With Mayor Lu, Send Off Zheng the Thirteenth, Returning to the Capital

Meng Haoran: With Mayor Lu, Send Off Zheng the Thirteenth, Returning to the Capital
Meng Haoran

With Mayor Lu, Send Off Zheng the Thirteenth,
Returning to the Capital


昔 时 風 景 登 臨 地
今 日 衣 冠 送 别 筵。
闲 卧 自 倾 彭 澤 酒
思 歸 長 望 白 云 天。

洞 庭 一 叶 驚 秋 早
濩 落 空 嗟 滞 江 岛。
寄 语 朝 廷 當 世 人
何 时 重 见 長 安 道?


Huo Lu Ming Fu Song Zheng Shi San Huan Jing Jian Ji Zhi Shen

Xi shi feng jing deng lin di
Jin ri yi guan song bie yan.
Xian wo zi qing peng ze jiu
Si gui zhang wang bai yun tian.

Dong ting yi ye jing qiu zao
Hu luo kong jie zhi jiang dao.
Ji yu zhao ting dang shi ren
He shi chong jian zhang an dao ?


With Mayor Lu, Send Off Zheng the Thirteenth, Returning to the Capital

In former times climb up to overlook this scenery
Today dress up clothes to give a departure banquet.
Idle and relaxed, make toasts  with Pengze wine
Thinking of returning, looking forward to realizing a white cloud sky.

Dongting Lake, one leaf surprises the early autumn
Huluo empty, lament to be stuck here at the river island.
Mail this message for the dawn imperial court audience, the palace power people
What time will I see you again on the path to a Chang’an position ?



Pengze wine: Local wine of the region.

Dongting Lake: Large lake that catches flood waters of the Changjiang.

Huluo:  An historical allusion to a Zhuangzi story where the emperor gave a man a gourd, who then used the seeds to grow more gourds. It was not used to make music, but good only for carrying water.

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