Ouyang Xiu: JadeTower in Spring: (No. 20): Deep Front Courtyard

Jade Tower in Spring (No. 20): Deep Front Courtyard

玉 楼 春
沉 沉 庭 院 莺 吟 弄
日 暖 烟 和 春 气 重。
绿 杨 娇 眼 为 谁 回
芳 草 深 心 空 自 动。
倚 阑 无 语 伤 离 凤
一 片 风 情 无 处 用。
寻 思 还 有 旧 家 心
湖 碟 时 时 来 役 梦。
Yu Lou Chun

Chen chen ting yuan ying yin nong
Ri nuan yan he chun qi chong.
Lu yang Jiao yan wei shei hui
Fang cao shen xin kong zi dong.

Yi lan wu yu shang li feng
Yi pian feng qing wu chu yong.
Xun si huai you jiu jia xin
Hu die shi shi lai yi meng.


Jade Tower in Spring: (No. 20): Deep Front Courtyard

Deep front courtyard, only singing oriole sounds
Warming sun, disappearing mists in the mild spring air.
Delicate green poplars like winking eyes
Naturally move to reveal an access to her heart-mind and fragrant grasses.

At the balcony without words, painful romantic break-up
One of the happy emotions not something she wants.
Contemplative heart has the past plowed into her mind.
Butterflies often arrive inside her Zhuangzi-like dreams.



Zhuangzi like dreams: Refers to the famous dream of Zhuangzi, who upon awakening one morning that was so lus cent, he could not determine if he was a man dreaming that he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that he was a man.

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