Ouyang Xiu: Proud Fishing Households (No. 4): Fourth Month

Proud Fishing Households (No. 4): Fourth Month

玉 楼 春
四 月 园 林 春 去 后。
深 深 密 幄 阴 初 茂。
折 得 花 枝 犹 在 手。
香 满 袖。
叶 间 梅 子 青 如 豆。
风 雨 时 时 添 气 候。
成 行 新 笋 霜 筠 厚。
题 就 送 春 诗 几 首。
聊 对 酒。
樱 桃 色 照 银 盘 溜。
Yu Jia Ao


Si yue yuan lin chun qu hou.
Shen shen mi wo yin chu mao.
She de hua zhi you zai shou.
Xiang man xiu.
Ye jian mei zi qing ru dou.

Feng yu shi shi tian qi hou.
Cheng xing xin sun shuang yun hou.
Ti jiu song chun shi ji shou.
Liao dui jiu.
Ying tao se zhao yin pan liu.


Proud Fishing Households: (No. 4) Fourth Month

Late spring, fourth lunar month, spring has left the forests and gardens.
Shadows very deep and dense, lush like a tent.
Broken flowers and branches like when I held them.
Sleeves still full of fragrances.
Leaf openings reveal green buds of the plum trees.

Constant rain and wind increases their progress.
New bamboo shoots in green and thick rows.
Several opportunities to compose spring time poems.
Back and forth with cups of wine.
Cherry and peach tree colors shine from and onto each other like the silver tray.

To TAReward
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