Ouyang Xiu: This Day Last Year

This Day Last Year: (A Lover Returns)

去 年 今 日:  (阮 郎 归)
去 年 今 日 落 花 时
依 前 又 见 伊。
淡 匀 双 脸 浅 匀 眉。
青 衫 透 玉 肌。
才 会 面,便 相 思。
相 思 无 尽 期。
这 回 相 见 好 相 知。
相 知 已 是 迟。
Qu Nian Jin Ri: (Ruan Lang Gui)

Qu nian jin ri luo hua shi
Yi qian you jian yi.
Dan yun shuang lian qian yun mei.
Qing shan tou yu ji.

Cai hui mian bian xiang si.
Xiang si wu jin qi.
Zhe hui xiang jian hao xiang zhi.
Xiang zhi yi shi chi.


This Day Last Year: (A Lover Returns)

This day last year, season of fallen flowers
Like before, he comes to visit her.
Her made-up face and eyebrows the same as last year.
Jade-like skin shines through her bluish-green blouse.

Meeting each other each year, thinking of their next opportunity to reunite.
After a period of time apart, she thinks of him more and more.
Now she realizes that they make a good couple.
But this insight too late for them.

To TAReward
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The person is Reward
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