Du Mu Poem: The Spring Palace – 杜牧《过华清宫》








[1] 华清宫:故址在陕西临潼骊山之上,原称温泉宫,天宝六年(747)改名为华清宫。

[2] 绣成堆:骊山左侧有西绣岭,右侧有东绣岭。唐玄宗时,岭上广植树木花卉,远远望去,犹如锦绣。唐玄宗李隆基和妃子杨玉环常来游乐。

[3] 红尘:飞扬的尘土。

The Spring Palace (Ⅰ)

Du Mu

Viewed from afar, the hill’s paved with brocade in piles;

The palace doors on hilltops opened one by one.

A steed which raised red dust won the fair mistress’ smiles.

How many steeds which brought her fruit died on the run!








[1] 新丰:唐县名,在陕西临潼东北,与华清宫相距不远。

[2] 渔阳:唐郡名,在河北蓟州附近,所辖之地在今北京东面,包括蓟县、平谷等,当时是安禄山的根据地。

[3] 霓裳:《霓裳羽衣曲》。

The Spring Palace (Ⅱ)

Du Mu

Yellow dust raised by the steeds veiled trees like a screen;

The messenger deceived came to deceive the crown.

The Song of Rainbow Cloak over a thousand peaks green

Would not stop till the Central Plain was broken down.

The report said that General An Lushan would rise in revolt and the Bright Emperor sent messengers to An’s headquarters, who, bribed by An, reported An’s loyalty. The emperor deceived continued to enjoy the dance and music of Rainbow Cloak in the Spring Palace until the Central Plain was lost to An’s revolting army in 655.


“The Spring Palace” is a group of poems by Du Mu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. These three poems make use of the past to satirize the present, selecting typical events and scenes, such as the supply of lychees for Yang Guifei by Tang Emperor Xuanzong at the expense of the people, the long-time drunkenness and death of Tang Emperor Xuanzong who believed in lies, and An Lushan’s Hu Whirlwind Dance for Tang Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei, and summarizing them artistically. The poem is subtle and euphemistic, with a long and meaningful message.

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