Su Dongpo: A Send Off For Shu Gu at the Bamboo Pavilion on Mt. Gu (River City Music)

Su Dongpo: A Send Off For Shu Gu at the Bamboo Pavilion on Mt. Gu (River City Music)
Su shi

A Send Off For Shu Gu At the Bamboo Pavilion on Mt. Gu: (River City Music)

孤山竹阁送述古: 江城子

翠 蛾 羞 黛 怯 人 看
掩 霜 纨, 泪 偷 弹。
且 尽 一 尊, 收 泪 唱 阳 关。
漫 道 帝 城 城 天 洋
天 易 见, 见 君 难。

画 堂 新 创 近 孤 山
曲 阑 干, 为 谁 安?
飞 絮 落 花, 春 色 属 明 年。
欲 棹 小 舟 寻 旧 事
无 处 问, 水 连 天。


Gu Shan Zhu Ge Song Shu Gu: Jiang Cheng Zi

Cui e xiu dai qie ren kan
Yan shuang wan, lei tou tan.
Qie jin yi zun, shou lei chang yang guan.
Man dao di cheng tian yang yuan
Tian yi jian jian jun nan.

Hua tang xin chuang jin gu shan
Qu lan gan, wei shei an?
Fei xu luo hua chun se zhu ming nian.
Yu zhao xiao zhou xun jiu shi
Wu chu wen, shui lian tian.


A Send Off For Shugu At the Bamboo Pavilion on Mt. Gu: (River City Music)

Beautiful madeup ladies, shy and timid, people watch them
Hiding behind fine silk fans, teardrops secretly fall.
For a long time, one toast after and another, restraining her tears, she wants to sing the poem “Yang Guan”.
You will travel far away on a long road to the city of Tianyang
Easy to see the sky, difficult to ever see you again.

Near Gu Mountain an adjacent art studio
Who made the undulating wall full of these paintings?
Cottonwood seeds fly, flowers falling down, spring colors belong to the next year.
Hope at this time to row a small boat around this place without finding you
You live where the waters meet the sky.



[The description at the end of the title in parentheses identifies the name of the music which these lines are to be sung to.]

Mt. Gu: Located on the north bank of the Min River near Fuzhou, Fujian Province.

Yang Guan”:  Mountain pass and far western defensive and strategic border outpost near Dunhuang, Gansu Province.

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