Su Dongpo: Lazy Butterflies, Tired Orioles: (Butterflies Love Flowers)

Lazy Butterflies, Tired Orioles: (Butterflies Love Flowers)

蝶 懒 莺 慵: 蝶 恋 花
蝶 懒 莺 慵 春 过 半。
花 落 狂 风
小 院 残 红 满。
午 醉 未 醒 红 日 晚
黄 昏 帘 幕 无 人 卷。
云 鬓 鬅 松 眉 黛 浅。
总 是 愁 媒
欲 诉 谁 消 遣。
未 信 此 情 难 系 绊
杨 花 犹 有 东 风 管。
Die Lan Ying Yong: (Die Lian Hua)

Die lan ying yong chun guo ban.
Hua luo kuang feng
xiao yuan can hong man.
Wu zui wei xing hong ri wan
Huang hun lian mu wu ren juan.

Yun bin peng song mei dai qian.
Zong shi chou mei
Yu su shei xiao qian.
Wei xin ci qing nan xi ban
Yang hua you you dong feng guan.


Lazy Butterflies, Tired Orioles: (Butterflies Love Flowers)

Lazy butterflies, orioles tired, half of spring has passed
Flowers fall down in the strong winds.
Small courtyard, remnants of expired red petals.
Drunk by noon, not yet sober to realize the red sun has set.
Yellow dusk, curtains without people to roll them up

Her hair fluffy and loose, untouched eyebrows and eyeliner.
Gathered melancholy, she hopes for someone to talk to
Together with someone to while away the hours.
Not yet trust these emotions that are bound, yet with no place to rest
Poplar flowers will abide with the east winds.

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