Su Dongpo: Lu Mountains: Two Beautiful Places

Su Dongpo: Lu Mountains: Two Beautiful Places
Su shi

Lu Mountains: Two Beautiful Places

庐山二胜: 开先漱玉亭


高 岩 下 赤 日
深 谷 来 悲 风。
擘 开 青 玉 峡
飞 出 两 白 龙。

乱 沫 散 霜 雪
古 潭 摇 清 空。
余 流 滑 无 声
快 泻 双 石 谼。

我 来 不 忍 去
月 出 飞 桥 东。
荡 荡 白 银 阙
沉 沉 水 精 宫。

愿 随 琴 高 生
脚 踏 赤 鯶 公。
手 持 白 芙 蕖
跳 下 清 泠 中。

Lu Shan Er Sheng: Kai Xian Shu Yu Ting


Gao yan xia chi ri
Shen gu lai bei feng.
Bo kai qing yu xia
Fei chu liang bai long.

Luan mo san shuang xue
Gu tan yao qing kong.
Yu liu hua wu sheng
Kuai xie shuang shi hong.

Wo lai bu ren qu
Yue chu fei qiao dong.
Dang dang bai yin que
Chen chen shui jing gong.

Yuan sui qin gao sheng
Jiao ta chi huan gong.
Shou chi bai fu qu
Tiao xia qing ling zhong.



Kai Xian Temple: Waterfall Rinses the Jade Pavilion

Tall rocks below the setting sun
From deep valleys cool winds arrive.
Boulders in the green jade gorge
Separate the waterfall into two white dragons.

Scattered foam like frost and snow
Old deep pool vibrates the clear sky.
After flowing out, water glides without a sound
Flows swiftly into two village waterways.

After arriving, cannot bear to depart
Moon comes out, disappears behind the mist and eastern bridge.
Everything sways white and silver like the stone carvings in front of a
celestial temple
Under the deep water, exquisite dragon palace.

Want to follow the immortals who are riding red carp to the place of
transformation into dragons.
While holding white lotus flowers
I can travel to each waterfall with them leading the way.



栖 贤 三 峡 桥

吾 闻 太 山 石
积 日 穿 线 溜。
况 此 百 雷 霆
万 世 与 石 斗。

深 行 九 地 底
险 出 三 峡 石。
长 输 不 尽 溪
欲 满 无 底 窦。

跳 波 翻 潜 鱼
震 响 落 飞 狖。
清 寒 入 山 骨
草 木 尽 坚 瘦。
空 蒙 烟 霭 闻
澒 洞 金 石 奏。
弯 弯 飞 桥 出
潋 潋 半 月 彀。
玉 渊 神 龙 近
雨 雹 乱 晴 昼。
垂 瓶 得 清 甘
可 咽 不 可 漱。


Qi Xian San Xia Qiao

Wu wen tai shan shi
Ji ri chuan xian liu.
Kuang ci bai lei ting
Wan shi yu shi dou.

Shen xing jiu di di
Xian chu san xia shi.
Chang shu bu jin xi
Yu man wu di dou.

Tiao bo fan qian yu
Zhen xiang luo fei you.
Qing han ren shan gu
Cao mu jin jian shou.

Kong meng yan ai jian
Hong dong jin shi zou.
Wan wan fei qiao chu
Lian lian ban yue gou.

Yu yuan shen long jin
Yu bao luan qing zhou.
Chui ping dei qing gan
Ke yan bu ke shu.


Qixian: At the Three Gorge Bridge

Heard about the famous rocks in the Tai Mountains
For many years, water erosion has bored small holes.
Situation like the power of one hundred thunderclaps
For thousands of generations on to these rocks.

Water travels deeply throughout the mountains
Several gorge boulders make passage perilous.
Long streams travel without limits
Water wants to overturn submerged fish.

Echo sounds shock flying monkeys.
Cold air enters the mountain structures.
Most trees and grasses strong and thin
Mist and hazy atmosphere between the peaks.

Swirling through holes like playing copper and stone musical instruments.
Very curved suspension bridge.
Reflected with a half moon on the water looks like a fully drawn bow
Deep pools with the spirit of an approaching jade dragon.

The rain and hail here eliminates sunny daylight
Took out a jar of water so sweet and pure
One cannot gargle, but must always swallow.



Lu mountains: Northern Jiangxi Province

Qixian: Located in central Shanxi Province.

Three Gorge Bridge: Spans the Changjiang in the Three Gorges area.

Tai mountains: Shandong Province.

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