Su Dongpo: Return to Yi Xing, Poetic Comments on Western Bamboo Poetry: Three Poems

Return to Yi Xing, Poetic Comments on Western Bamboo Poetry: Three Poems

十 年 归 梦 寄 西 风
此 去 真 为 田 舍 翁。
剩 觅 蜀 冈 新 井 水
要 携 乡 味 过 江 东。
Gui Yi Xing, Liu Ti Zhu Xi Shi: San Shou


Shi nian gui meng ji xi feng
Ci qu zhen wei tian she weng.
Sheng mi shu gang xin jing shui
Yao xie xiang wei guo jiang dong.



道 人 劝 饮 鸡 苏 水
童 子 能 煎 莺 粟 汤。
暂 借 藤 床 与 瓦 枕
莫 教 辜 负 竹 风 凉。


Dao ren quan yin ji su shui
Tong zi neng jian ying su tang.
Zan jie teng chuang yu wa zhen
Mo jiao gu fu zhu feng liang.



此 生 已 觉 都 无 事
今 岁 仍 逢 大 有 年。
山 寺 归 来 闻 好 语
野 花 啼 鸟 亦 欣 然。


Ci sheng yi jue dou wu shi
Jin sui reng feng da you nian.
Shan si gui lai wen hao yu
Ye hua ti niao yi xin ran.


Return to Yi Xing, Poetic Comments on Western Bamboo Poetry: Three Poems


For many years dream of returning to a rural life
This time dreams may come true for this old man.
Seek some new well water from the hills of Sichuan
Want to bring along this hometown taste down river to the east.


Daoists always advise for one to drink jisu water
Children can cook oriole millet soup.
For now need to borrow a rattan bed with an earthen tile pillow
No one has to teach me about the cool bamboo wind.


This life seems to be done with troubles
This year meant a year of plenty.
Return from mountain temples hearing good and friendly words
Wild flowers and noisy birds are also full of pleasure.



Yi Xing: City in the province of Hubei.

Jisu water: Full of herbal and medicinal additives.

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