Drawing Up My Own Elegies: Three Poems: No. 2
昔 在 无 酒 饮
今 但 湛 空 觞。
春 醪 生 浮 蚁
何 时 更 能 尝?
肴 案 盈 我 前
亲 旧 哭 我 傍。
欲 语 口 无 音
欲 视 眼 无 光。
昔 在 高 堂 寝
今 宿 荒 草 乡。
荒 草 无 人 眠
极 视 正 茫 茫。
一 朝 出 门 去
归 来 夜 未 央。
Ni Wan Ge Ci: San Shou
Xi zai wu jiu yin
Jin dan zhan kong shang.
Chun lao sheng fu yi
He shi geng neng chang ?
Yao an ying wo qian
Qin jiu ku wo bang.
Yu yu kou wu yin
Yu shi yan wu guang.
Xi zai gao tang qin
Jin su huang cao xiang.
Huang cao wu ren mian
Ji shi zheng mang mang.
Yi zhao chu men qu
Gui lai ye wei yang.
Drawing Up My Own Elegies: Three Poems: No. 2
In the past, during my life, I was without wine to drink
Now I empty clear cups of wine.
Early spring wine, some of the rice still floating on top
When can I again taste this wine?
In front of my casket, a long table filled with food
Old relatives draw near and cry.
I want to speak, but my mouth without a voice
I want to look, but my eyes without light.
In the past, during my life, I slept in the main room
Today I spend nights in the neglected grass countryside.
These grasses with no living people
Try hard to open my eyes, only a vast unconsciousness.
One morning I will leave my home
Can only return during the darkness of night.