Tao Yuanming: Mid-September Year of the Dog: Western Fields, Harvest the Early Rice

Mid-September Year of the Dog: Western Fields, Harvest the Early Rice

庚 戎 岁 九 月 中: 于 西 田 获 早 稻
人 生 归 有 道
衣 食 固 其 端。
孰 是 都 不 营
而 以 求 自 安?
开 春 理 常 业
岁 功 聊 可 观。
晨 出 肆 微 勤
日 人 负 耒 还。
山 中 饶 霜 露
风 气 亦 先 寒。
田 家 岂 不 苦?
弗 获 辞 此 难!
四 体 诚 乃 疲
庶 无 异 患 干。
盥 濯 息 檐 下
斗 酒 散 襟 颜。
遥 遥 沮 溺 心
千 载 乃 相 关。
但 愿 长 如 此
躬 耕 非 所 叹。


Geng Rong Sui Jiu Yue Zhong: Yu Xi Tian Huo Zao Dao

Ren sheng gui you dao
Yi shi gu qi duan.
Shu shi dou bu ying
Er yi qiu zi an ?

Kai chun li chang ye
Sui gong liao ke guan.
Chen chu si wei qin
Ri ru fu lei huan.

Shan zhong rao shuang lu
Feng qi yi xian han.
Tian jia qi bu ku ?
Fu huo ci ci nan.

Si ti cheng nai pi
Shu wu yi huan gan.
Guan zhuo xi yan xia
Dou jiu san jin yan.

Yao yao ju ni xin
Qian zai nai xiang guan.
Dan yuan chang ru ci
Gong reng fei suo tan.


Mid-September, Year of the Dog: Western Fields, Harvest the Early Rice

Human experience tends to have methods and ways
Food and clothing are basic and fundamental.
Why do so many not seek
To prepare for themselves these things.

Early spring thaw, begin my usual rural occupations
End of the year, for my efforts, I see some good results.
Morning arrives, do light chores first
At sunset, carry the farming tools on my shoulder.

Mountains had a lot of dew and frost
Atmosphere also experiences early cold.
Do not the farming families have suffering and pain?
They cannot evade these difficulties.

Arms and legs are very tired
Hope we do not experience a natural disaster.
Wash hands and face, rest under the eaves
Dipperful of wine, can now loosen clothes and relax.

Long time ago, ancient leaders had this rural mindset
After one thousand years we are still closely attuned to one another.
I only wish to be strong in this way
Personally, to work on a farm for a living, not places for sighs and regret.

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