Wang Wei: Early Spring Events

Early Spring Events

早 春 行
紫 梅 发 初 遍
黄 鸟 歌 犹 涩。
谁 家 折 杨 女
弄 春 如 不 及。
爱 水 看 妆 坐
羞 人 映 花 立。
香 畏 风 吹 散
衣 愁 露 沾 湿。
玉 闺 青 门 里
日 落 香 车 入。
游 衍 益 相 思
含 啼 向 彩 帷。
忆 君 长 人 梦
归 晚 更 生 疑。
不 及 红 檐 燕
双 栖 绿 草 时。


Zao Chun Xing

Zi mei fa chu bian
Huang niao gi you se.
Shei jia zhe yang nu
Nong chun ru bu ji.

Ai shui kan zhuang zuo
Xiu ren ying hua li.
Xiang wei feng chui san
Yi chou lu zhan shi.

Yu gui qing men li
Ri luo xiang che ru.
You yan yi xiang si
Han ti xiang cai wei.

Yi jun chang ren meng
Gui wan geng sheng yi.
Bu ji hong yan yan
Shuang qi lu cao shi.


Early Spring Events

Purple Chinese plum blossoms just beginning to open up everywhere
Yellow oriole songs still hoarse and off-key.
A young lady breaks off a willow tree branch
Cannot wait to play with the newly-arrived spring.

Loves to sit by the water, looking in, to arrange her make-up
Bashful, standing within the flowers.
Wind blows, scattering the lovely fragrances
Touched by moisture, her clothes reveal her melancholy.

Lady of jade, lives in the women’s quarters, inside Qingmen
At sunset, her flowered carriage returns to the city.
A trip outside benefits one’s disposition
Now muffled sobs, next to a curtained bed.

Often recalls her husband in her dreams
Return from a late evening dream, so real it’s unbelievable.
Cannot attain what the swallows have under the red eaves
Couples perch near the young spring grass during this time of year.



Qingmen: A section of the capital city Chang’an (Xi’an).

Swallow attain:  Swallows known for their dedication to their spouses and children.

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