Send Off Quartermaster Zhang, Bound For the Western Rivers
单 车 曾 出 塞
报 国 敢 邀 勋。
见 逐 张 征 虏
今 思 霍 冠 军。
沙 平 连 白 雪
蓬 卷 入 黄 云。
慷 慨 倚 长 剑
高 歌 一 送 君。
Song Zhang Pan Guan Fu He Xi
Dan che ceng chu sai
Bao guo gan yao xun.
Jian zhu zhang zheng lu
Jin si huo guan jun.
Sha ping lian bai xue
Peng juan ru huang yun.
Kang kai yi chang jian
Gao ge yi song jun.
Send Off Quartermaster Zhang, Bound for the Western Rivers
You can travel in your carriage without escort, to a strategic border stronghold
Dedicated to the service of your country, you do not need meritorious recognition.
Now I follow Zhang, like the famous Zheng Lu
Today I remember Huo Guanjun, a renowned warrior.
Sand made level, joins with white snow
Tumbleweeds roll and enter the yellow dust storm clouds.
Fervent, indignant and with a long sword
Sing loudly and alone to send you off.
Zheng Lu: The judge in the nether world who keeps an account of the living’s merits and wrongdoings. He also decides how long each living person should live.