Send Off Shenzi Fu, Who Returns to Jiang Dong
杨 柳 渡 头 行 客 稀
罟 师 荡 桨 向 临 圻。
惟 有 相 思 似 春 色
江 南 江 北 送 君 归。
Song Shen Zi Fu Gui Jiang Dong
Yang liu du tou xing ke xi
Gu shi dang jiang xiang lin qi.
Wei you xiang si shi chun se
Jiang nan jiang bei song jun gui.
Send Off Shenzi Fu, Who Returns to Jiang Dong
Springtime poplar and willow trees at the ferry crossing, travelers and visitors rare
Those with special fishing skills pull their oars towards Lin Qi.
Only have a love sickness like the spring colors
North of Jiangnan, this river send off for your return.
Jiang Dong: Tributary to the Changjiang (Yangzi River) , and is upriver from Shanghai.
Lin Qi: A city down river from Jiang Dong.
Jiangnan: A region south of the Changjiang mouth in northern Zhejiang province.