Wang Wei: Together With Former Mayor Cui Jizhong, In Front of Awe-Inspiring Mountains

Together With Former Mayor Cui Jizhong, In Front of Awe-Inspiring Mountains

崔 濮 阳 兄 季 重 前 山 兴
秋 色 有 佳 兴
况 君 池 上 闲。
悠 悠 西 林 下
自 识 门 前 山。
千 里 横 黛 色
数 峰 山 云 间。
嵯 峨 对 秦 国
合 沓 藏 荆 关。
残 雨 斜 日 照
夕 岚 飞 鸟 还。
故 人 今 尚 尔
叹 息 此 颓 颜。
Cui Pu Yang Xiong Ji Zhong Qian Shan Xing

Qiu se you jia xing
Kuang jun chi shang xian.
You you xi lin xia
Zi shi men qian shan.

Qian li heng dai se
Shu feng shan yun jian.
Cuo e dui qin guo
He da cang jing guan.

Can yu xie ri zhao
Xi lan fei niao huan.
Gu ren jin shang er
Tan xi ci tui yan.


Together With Former Mayor Cui Jizhong, In Front of Awe-Inspiring Mountains

Beautiful autumn colors have emotional appeal
Moreover, upon your pond, idle leisure.
Set below very remote western forests
We know them as the entrances to the front of the mountains.

Seen far away, from east to west, dark pigment colors
Many mountain peaks, one after another, fading into the clouds.
Steep and lofty mountains facing each other before Qin
Mountains all joined together, then your hidden bramble gate.

Rain stops, low slanting sunlight shines
Mountain mists at sunset, birds flying back to their nests.
Old friend, still value our relationship today
Heave a sigh, this old face of mine.



Qin state (897-221 BC)  Comprised of the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.

Mountain mists at sunset: Very much like a line from the famous Tao Yuanming poem, Drinking Wine No. 5.  This poem can be found on this website as Pivot Poem.

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