Wei Yingwu: Coping With a Remote Prefecture Rain, Send This As a Gift to Yuan Xi With a Note to Yang Ling

Coping With a Remote Prefecture Rain, Send This As a Gift to Yuan Xi With a Note to Yang Ling

郡 中 对 雨 赠 元 锡 兼 简 杨 凌
宿 雨 冒 空 山
空 城 响 秋 叶。
沉 沉 暮 色 至
凄 凄 凉 气 入。
萧 条 林 表 散
的 砾 荷 上 集。
夜 雾 着 衣 重
新 苔 侵 履 湿。
遇 兹 端 忧 日
赖 与 嘉 宾 接。
Jun Zhong Dui Yu Zeng Yuan Xi Jian Jian Yang Ling

Su yu mao kong shan
Kong cheng xiang qiu ye.
Chen chen mu se zhi
Qi qi liang qi ru.

Xiao tiao lin biao san
Di li he shang ji.
Ye wu zhao yi zhong
Xin tai qin lu shi.
Yu zi duan you ri
Lai yu jia bin jie.


Coping With a Remote Prefecture Rain, Send This As a Gift to Yuan Xi With a Note to Yang Ling

Staying overnight, empty mountains covered with evening rain
Vacant city, echoes of autumn leaves.
Sunset colors become deep and heavy
Entering cool air very dank and dreary.

Many compositions finished but are scattered, desolate and bleak
But your words are exquisite like a collection of lotus.
Evening fog, touching my clothes makes them heavy
Moist shoes over fresh moss.
Not meeting you again the source of my daily melancholy
I need you to join me again as guests.

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