Wei Yingwu: Winter Solstice Evening, Send This to the Capital So My Brothers Can Pass It Along to Mr. Cui in Dou Shui

Winter Solstice Evening, Send This to the Capital So My Brothers Can Pass It Along to Mr. Cui in Dou Shui

冬 至 夜 寄 京 师 诸 弟 兼 怀 崔 都 水
理 郡 无 异 政
所 忧 在 素 餐。
徒 令 去 京 国
羁 旅 当 岁 寒。
子 月 生 一 气
阳 景 极 南 端。
已 怀 时 节 感
更 抱 别 离 酸。
私 燕 席 云 罢
还 斋 夜 方 阑。
邃 幕 沉 空 宇
孤 烛 照 床 单。
应 同 兹 夕 念
宁 忘 故 岁 欢。
川 途 恍 悠 邈
涕 下 一 阑 干。


Dong Zhi Ye Ji Jing Shi Zhu Di Jian Huai Cui Dou Shui

Li jun wu yi zheng
Suo you zai su can.
Tu ling qu jing guo
Ji lu dang sui han.

Zi yue sheng yi qi
Yang jing ji nan duan.
Yi huai shi jie gan
Geng bao bie li suan.

Si yan xi yun ba
Huan zhai ye fang lan.
Sui mu chen kong yu
Gu zhu zhao chuang dan.

Ying tong zi xi nian
Ning wang gu sui huan.
Chuan tu huang you miao
Ti xia yi lan gan.


Winter Solstice Evening, Send This to the Capital So My Brothers Can Pass It Along to Mr. Cui in Dou Shui

As a prefecture official I did not improve the politics or economy
Worried that I got simple meals and pay without doing a lot of work.
Accepted the order to leave the country’s capital
By the end of the year cannot journey back home.

November brings one kind of weather
In the south far away the sun is shining.
Already think of seasonal festivals and their emotions
Still cherish our last sweet departure.

Dined at a private banquet until the talking stopped
Early in the evening I returned to my humble room.
Spacious sky sinking into the darkness
Solitary candle illuminates a single bed.

This sunset you and I think of and share the same thoughts
Never forget my happy years in the past.
Remote rivers and roads appear so far away
Tears fall down one after the other.

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