Wei Yingwu: With Two Other Low Level Officials, Await at Dawn For and Audience

With Two Other Low Level Officials, Await at Dawn For an Audience

趋 府 侯 晓 呈 两 县 僚 友
趋 府 不 遑 安
中 宵 出 户 看。
满 天 星 尚 在
近 壁 烛 仍 残。
立 马 频 惊 曙
垂 帘 却 避 寒。
可 怜 同 宦 者
应 悟 下 流 难。
Qu Fu Hou Xiao Cheng Liang Xian Liao You

Qu fu bu huang an
Zhong xiao chu hu kan.
Man tian xing shang zai
Jin bi zhu reng can.

Li ma pin jing shu
Chui lian que bi han.
Ke lian tong huan zhe
Ying wu xia liu nan.


With Two Other Low Level Officials, Await at Dawn For an Audience

Visiting one’s superiors not peaceful or leisurely
Have to leave my door in the middle of the night.
Still have a sky full of stars
Near their building, only remnants of candles remain.

Horses tied up repeatedly agitated by the oncoming of dawn’s light
Waiting room curtains lowered to repel the cold air.
Shared with other miserable souls
Should realize how difficult it is for those at the lower reaches of the river.



Audience:  They were waiting for the usual early morning audience with the emperor and his advisors.

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