Bai Juyi: Overnight at the Western Pavilion Pond

Bai Juyi: Overnight at the Western Pavilion Pond
Bai Juyi

Overnight at the Western Pavilion Pond


池 上 平 桥 桥 下 亭
夜 深 睡 觉 上 桥 行。
白 头 老 尹 重 来 宿
十 五 年 前 旧 月 明。

Su Fu Chi Xi Ting

Chi shang ping qiao qiao xia ting
Ye shen shui jue shang qiao xing.
Bai tou lao yin chong lai su
Shi wu nian qian jiu yue ming.

Overnight at the Western Pavilion Pond

Small level bridge over the western pavilion pond
Awake from an evening of deep sleep, walk across the bridge.
This white-haired old man from Henan, again arrives to stay overnight
Fifteen years before moonlight came, as in the past.

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